How Exactly Do I Go About Getting Therapy?
Question by Christian Atheist: How exactly do i go about getting therapy?
“call your doctor” is useless because I don’t have a doctor, I have no insurance, I’ve been battling depression on my own for years, and now with my mother dying, I really think I have to get therapy or I’ll just get sucked into the darkness.
Where do I start? Tell it to me like I’m 5. thank you very much. I’m in los angeles if it helps. thanks.
Rana please do not reproduce. Rebecca thank you -$ 40 is not too much, if anyone can point me to specific contacts in that range (under 80/hr I guess), that would be perfect. Thanks again!
Best answer:
Answer by Rana
Ask around for a therapist!
Answer by Rebecca
Pick up your yellow pages and find the behavior health department of your local hospital. They employ therapists at all levels of education so you can usually find one who charges $ 200 an hour and one who charges $ 40 an hour. If even $ 40 an hour is too much then contact your local county mental health services and see if they can help you.
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