The Patients Knowledge About the Role of Calcium in the Primary Prevention of Colorectal Cancer.
The patients knowledge about the role of calcium in the primary prevention of colorectal cancer.
Contemp Oncol (Pozn). 2012; 16(5): 440-443
Wro?ski K, Bocian R
The objective of this research was to become aquainted with patients’ knowledge of the calcium role in the primary prevention of colorectal cancer.A group of 400 patients treated in Nikolay Pirogov Provincial Specialist Hospital in ?ód? was interviewed by means of the author’s own survey in which specific tools were used to become aquainted with patients’ knowledge of the calcium role in the primary prevention of colorectal cancer. The necessary statistics were conducted by means of STATISTICA 7.1 and EXCEL 2008 programmes.The analysis of the results shows that 363 (90.7%) of respondents did not know about the protective role of calcium in the digestive tract and reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. The study shows that 396 (99.0%) of respondents were not informed by doctors about the protective effect of calcium in the digestive tract. In this survey 357 (89.25%) of respondents did not know what is the recommended daily intake of calcium in the diet.The results of the study shows that patients do not know about the role of calcium in primary prevention of colorectal cancer and were not informed by their doctors about such action of calcium. Patients were not aware of the need to consume the Recommended Dietary Allowance of calcium in the diet, which shows little knowledge of the subjects on the diet. It seems necessary to change the eating habits of patients, while the introduction of nutrition education from an early age in the society. Such actions may prevent in the future many civilization diseases. HubMed – eating
Alterations of the Olfactory-Gustatory Functions in Patients with Eating Disorders.
Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2013 Jun 20;
Dazzi F, Nitto SD, Zambetti G, Loriedo C, Ciofalo A
The purpose of this study was to assess olfactory-gustatory function impairment in patients with eating disorders.Nineteen patients with a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa, 18 patients with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa and a control sample of 19 healthy subjects were recruited from the day hospital service of the Complex Operative Unit for Alimentary Conduct Disorders of the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome. Evaluation of olfactory and gustatory functions was performed on patients through the ‘Sniffin’ Sticks’ method in order to assess the olfactory threshold, the capacity for discriminating and identifying olfactory stimuli, and the overall olfactory function, and through the ‘taste strip’ kit method in order to assess the gustatory function. The results were processed statistically to assess differences between patients with anorexia nervosa, patients with bulimia nervosa and healthy controls.The two groups of patients with bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa showed a poorer olfactory and gustatory function compared with the healthy controls; discrimination of olfactory stimuli and overall olfactory function were reduced in both samples, as well as the overall gustatory function and the perception of bitter stimuli, whereas olfactory threshold was altered only in patients with bulimia nervosa. In both samples, scores for olfactory function fell within the range of hyposmia.Our data suggest that patients with eating disorders have an altered perception of olfactory and gustatory stimuli. The alterations observed are worth further investigation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association. HubMed – eating
What constitutes healthy eating for the heart?
Maturitas. 2013 Jun 17;
Stevenson JC
Blood lead levels among children aged 0 to 6 years in 16 cities of China, 2004-2008.
Chin Med J (Engl). 2013 Jun; 126(12): 2291-2295
Xie XH, Tan ZW, Jia N, Fan ZY, Zhang SM, Lü YY, Chen L, Dai YH
The adverse health effects of lead for children under 6 years are well known. Studies to assess the lead exposure among children in China are small in sample size and lack of national representative data. The aim of this study therefore was to describe blood lead levels and identify risk factors for lead exposure among children aged 0 to 6 years living in 16 cities in China.We analyzed data from blood lead levels surveillance in China carried out in 16 large cities between 2004 and 2008. A stratified clustered random sampling strategy was used. A total of 69 968 children aged 0 to 6 years were included. We conducted multiple Logistic regression analyses to explore risk factors to high blood lead level.The geometric mean blood lead level of the children was 4.50 µg/dl (median: 4.90 µg/dl; IQR: 3.20 – 7.00 µg/dl). Overall prevalence of blood lead level ? 10.00 µg/dl among 0- to 6-year-old children was 7.57%. But the proportion of blood lead level ? 5.00 but < 10.00 µg/dl was 42.12%. Blood lead levels were significantly higher in boys (4.63 µg/dl) than in girls (4.35 µg/dl) (P < 0.0001). The geometric mean blood lead levels and prevalence of blood lead level ? 10.00 µg/dl increased with age (P < 0.0001 for the two trends). After controlling for sociodemographic, dietary and behavior factors, multivariable analysis indicated that lower maternal education, male gender, younger age, often biting pencil or/and toys, walking or playing for long time on the street, not washing hands before eating are major risk factors for higher lead levels.The blood lead levels among Chinese children in urban areas are lower than previous studies but close to those of developed countries. However, children with low lead exposure account for almost half and the sociodemographic factors (age, male sex, and low mother education level) continue to be associated with higher blood lead levels. HubMed – eating
Dr. Ramani Eating Disorders (GMA Health 04-20-11) – By keeping it simple – Dr. Durvasula (“Dr. Ramani”) makes psychology useful and usable for a wide variety of audiences. Dr. Ramani is …