Holistic Healing: What Is Depression and Anxiety


Holistic Healing: what is Depression and Anxiety – Here is a brief description of what depression and anxiety is from my perspective and some suggestions on how to overcome it. FREE gift @ www.kellerHealingAr…


Japanese Researchers Unravel the Mechanism Behind the Cause of Depression.
The team began by selecting a group of mice that were bred in such a way as to induce a propensity towards depression. Some of the mice were raised as a group and some in isolation. The trial was conducted three weeks after the mice had reached their … Read more on ROCKETNEWS24

Is QE Deflationary? A Conjecture
It is a well-known fact that people spend more (and save less) in times of boom and spend less (thus saving more) in times of recession/depression. Thus, at times of depression it is only logical that, even if the money supply is constant, the velocity … Read more on Seeking Alpha

Dear Abby: Ex might suffer from depression
I have tried to suggest that he might suffer from depression in the past, but he denies it. Is there anything I can say that won't be resented (with him possibly showing up even more disheveled the next time just out of spite)? —Unpleasant Situation … Read more on The News Journal

Alias Bridget Jones
Everyone jumping on bipolar bandwagon now is no longer called manic depression. Even catherine Zeta-Jones has it. 7.40pm: Three minutes is very long time when spent with twenty-something, selfdescribed "Whovian". "of course, the definitive Doctor was … Read more on Express.co.uk