So How Am I Doing After All This?
Question by Raging Unitologist: So how am I doing after all this?
Alright, so for those of you who know me and my posts, you can skip the next sentence or two. However, for those of you that don’t, I am 15 years old and just recently opened up to a really good friend about being bisexual. He has been extremely supportive and encouraging and I can’t thank him enough for it. Because I’m not entirely straight and because of a very confusing and rough upbringing with my parents divorcing when I was 3 and having hostile families ever since, for those reasons I am not very happy. In fact, I am very depressed and heavily suicidal. Nonetheless it has become increasingly difficult to hold it all inside and just last weekend when my really supportive friend and I hung out I actually broke down crying. He offered immense support and comfort. I consider him to be like a second father to me and I have told him this. Anyway, what I am trying to say here is that I’m still very depressed and probably will be for a while to come, but I vow to beat this. With the support I have gotten from the Yahoo Answers community and from my friend I will beat this. I promise to all of you and my friend that I will not commit suicide. I thank you all for your help, I am extremely grateful for it and I will continue to lean on my friend for the majority of the support and comfort I need. He is only slightly older than I am (at the age of 16 whereas I am 15) but we are in the same grade and in the same high school. I look up to him as if he were my father (and most days I feel as though he`d be a much better father to me than the one I currently have), and I always find comfort and sanity ans security when I talk to him and especially when I am around him. So the morale of my rant here, is that I vow to beat this and I promise to learn to accept myself. Writing this is the first step to learning self-acceptance. Again, I can`t thank any of you enough, but as for my friend well I could never do anything to make all of this up to him. I owe him my life and can`t thank him enough for everything he has done for me. Thank you to all of you, and to all of you who shared their opinions (especially my friend), just know the fact that you saved my life. Thank you so much.
I promise I will do my best to keep all of you updated on my progress, but I can`t guarantee that I will consistently (if at all). Once again thank all of you so much, especially my friend.
Best answer:
Answer by dj
Great that you have a good friend like that and presumably he is glad to have you around as otherwise he would not be there for you. So look after this friendship as best you can but in addition try to form new friendships with real people as online “friends” are likely to vanish one day as mist does when the morning sun rises. It is good to have several real friends as there will be occasions when your good friend is unavailable for some reason and a backup friend can be a lifesaver in those circumstances.
Depression can take a while to get through and you may need medical help in the form of tablets of some kind as a temporary help. Depression is an illness and if you had any other illness you would take tablets for a while , so consider similar medical help if things get too much to manage.
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