Why Don’t People Think Compulsive Overeating Disorder Is a Legitimate Problem?
Question by Leiko: Why don’t people think Compulsive Overeating Disorder is a legitimate problem?
I’ve had several people say that “COE/BED isn’t a real disorder.” Yet anorexia, its polar opposite in terms of action (starving vs. binging) is readily accepted.
My school counselor laughed in my face when I told her that I had it and her response was “Well, I better not let you see my candy stash, then!” Why can’t people understand that it’s a real problem?
Best answer:
Answer by Ember R
The reason why people don’t think that COD is a legitimate problem, is more or less because of lack of knowledge and research on their part.
Answer by Susas
So many people have it and don’t want to be labeled. Most people don’t want to think that something which is common is an illness. Some schools recognize the problem.
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