Dear Abby: Teen Fighting Depression Despite His Good Grades
Dear Abby: Teen fighting depression despite his good grades
Ideally, you should be able to talk to your parents about the depth and duration of your depression. But because you feel you can't, talk with a trusted teacher or counselor at school about it, or an adult relative you feel close enough to confide it …
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Jon Corzine's Son, 31, Commits Suicide In Mexico After Years Fighting Depression
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) – Former New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine's son has died. A family spokesman told The Star Ledgerthe 31-year-old took his life in Mexico, after years battling depression. "The sad fact is that Jeffrey Corzine had been suffering from severe …
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7 Ways to Naturally Fight Depression — If you think you may have depression, but you don’t want to deal with the awful side effects of medication, then check out these 7 natural ways to help you g…
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