13 Weeks Pregnant- “depression/anxiety”?

Question by ??kaydens?mommy??: 13 weeks pregnant- “depression/anxiety”?
I am 13 weeks pregnant with #2. We tried very hard for this little bean and after 4 years of pure dedication it has finally payed off.

My Q;
About a year ago I went to my Dr. and had told him that I felt at my end and very easily pushed over the edge. I felt like I was constantly yelling at my now 6 year old and I wasn’t able to enjoy of love my partner.
My doc put me on Celexa. I took 40mg. for about a year. Upon finding out we were pregnant I instantly stopped taking the Celexa per doc orders. (I have been weening off of it prior to finding out but was still taking it, about 20mg. every other day or every 2 days)
After facing the symptoms of getting off of the med. I was fine. (We found out at 6 weeks- I haven’t taken it since)
For the past 2 weeks I have been feeling again at my wits end with my 6 years old, I can’t stand my BF and I just feel down right frumpy, lonely and depressed again.

I have an apt. to see my midwife on Feb. 1st. but until then is there any “natural” way of dealing with this? I know I am not the only one who has been or is on a depression medicine prior to being pregnant..

I do NOT feel SUICIDAL, so please NO stupid dumb answers about this…

TYVM for your answer! 😉
Mother Duck; I am pregnant because it is not always like this. I have been with BF for 7 years, my oldest is 6 and I was only med for 1 year. There have been things that went on in my life since 06′ that I believe caused my feelings/hurt inside. I am not always feeling awful and depressed. Next time why don’t you try asking for more details before you sit there and put someone down who already feels at their worst! On top of my own hurt/feelings I have the preg. hormones ontop of it all which I think is why I’m feeling so icky.

Best answer:

Answer by em
You poor thing!
You know well that pregnancy is an emotional roller coaster to begin with. I wouldn’t consider getting back on any antidepressants, unless BAD thoughts come to you. I know how you feel. I’m 12 weeks pregnant, homeschooling my 6yo and sometimes I just utterly lack the patience to deal with her!! It’s pregnancy. Hang in there. We’ll both be fine. Good luck.

Add your own answer in the comments!




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