[Addiction Prevention for the Benefit of Hospital Staff].
[Addiction prevention for the benefit of hospital staff].
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
Rev Infirm. 2012 Nov; 28-9
Picchiottino F
La Pitié-Salpêtrière-Charles Foix university hospital group (Paris) has set up a task force to help healthcare managers manage a member of staff suffering with addiction. An addiction awareness day is also organised, aimed at all staff, with information stands and a performance by a theatre company.
HubMed – addiction
[Treatment programme in Spain for nurses suffering from mental disorders and drug addiction].
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
Rev Infirm. 2012 Nov; 27
Agulló Hernández D
Since 2000 a programme has existed in Barcelona for nurses suffering from depression and addictions. On the basis of voluntary and anonymous admission, they can be hospitalised or treated as an outpatient and thereby avoid being declared unfit to practise.
HubMed – addiction
[Understanding caregivers’ addiction to alcohol].
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
Rev Infirm. 2012 Nov; 22-4
Claudon M
Bringing up the subject of caregivers’ addictions in their workplace highlights several issues such as denial, a refusal to see, dependency, the approach to take and prevention. A reflection on a known but generally hushed up phenomenon.
HubMed – addiction
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