Update in Cardiology: Vascular Risk and Cardiac Rehabilitation.
Update in Cardiology: Vascular Risk and Cardiac Rehabilitation.
Filed under: Rehab Centers
Rev Esp Cardiol. 2012 Dec 21;
Galve E, Castro A, Cordero A, Dalmau R, Fácila L, García-Romero A, Mazón P, Sanmartín M, Alonso García A,
Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease remains the major cause of premature death in developed and developing countries. Nevertheless, surveys show that most patients still do not achieve the lifestyles, risk factor levels, and therapeutic targets recommended in primary and secondary prevention. The present update reflects the most recent novelties in risk classification and estimation of risk and documents the latest changes in fields such as smoking, diet and nutrition, physical activity, lipids, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular rehabilitation, based on experimental trials and population-based observational studies. Full English text available from:www.revespcardiol.org.
HubMed – rehab
Results from 2011 for the transportMYpatient program for overcoming transport costs among women seeking treatment for obstetric fistula in Tanzania.
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Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2012 Dec 21;
Fiander A, Ndahani C, Mmuya K, Vanneste T
BACKGROUND: The Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT) Disability Hospital program transportMYpatient was launched in 2009 to address transport costs, which are a major barrier to patients accessing CCBRT health services. The initiative uses mobile phone technology to transfer funds to cover transport costs. METHODS: Data were reviewed for fistula patients using the transportMYpatient scheme in 2011, noting region of referral. Average costs of using the scheme were calculated and the location of “ambassadors” by region was recorded. RESULTS: Between 2005 and 2009, CCBRT repaired approximately 170 fistulas annually, increasing to 286 in 2010 and 339 in 2011. In 2011, the transportMYpatient initiative transported 166 fistula patients from almost all regions in Tanzania, accounting for 49% of total repairs. CONCLUSION: The increase in referrals to CCBRT during 2011 as a result of the transportMYpatient program shows that transport costs are a real barrier to accessing care. Analysis of geographic referral data informs outreach and community sensitization initiatives, concentrating on regions of low referral. The use of mobile phone technology to transfer funds represents an innovative means of overcoming a major barrier to healthcare access for patients in low-income countries.
HubMed – rehab
Remobilization through stretching improves gait recovery in the rat.
Filed under: Rehab Centers
Acta Histochem. 2012 Dec 21;
Cação-Benedini LO, Ribeiro PG, Gomes AR, Ywazaki JL, Monte-Raso VV, Prado CM, Mattiello-Sverzut AC
Remobilization of a previously immobilized rat right hindlimb in the ankle plantar-flexion-shortened position by free movement alone or associated with intermittent passive stretching was assessed by analysis of gait variables and dorsiflexion range of motion. The variables were related with the expression of extracellular matrix proteins and the addition of serial sarcomeres. Sixty-four female Wistar rats were divided into 8 groups: immobilized, free for 10 days, immobilized/stretched/free for 1, 3 or 10 days, immobilized/free for 1, 3 or 10 days. Gait variables, range of motion, serial sarcomeres number, localization and staining intensity of fibronectin, and expressions of types I and III collagen were analyzed. The hypokinesia changed the functional variables of gait, reduced the dorsiflexion range of motion (ROM), increased the number of fibers with intracellular fibronectin/total number of fibers (FIF/TNF), and decreased the expression of the type I collagen. After three days, morphological changes were exacerbated and the number of serial sarcomeres was increased in both groups, immobilized/stretched/free and immobilized/free. Functional impairment, ROM restriction and increased FIF/TNF were also observed. Despite the above described alterations, 10 days of stretching program increased the effectiveness of remobilization leading to recovery of the abnormalities observed in the muscle.
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