One Stop Shop: Applying the 12 Step Model to Eating Disorders by Shaul Austin, M.Ed., LPC


One Stop Shop: Applying the 12 Step Model to Eating Disorders By Shaul Austin, M.Ed., LPC – Evidence supports a new model for treating eating disorders which may include twelve step groups in combination with a bio-psychosocial treatment protocol. Killeen, et al (2011) found that people with disordered eating or an eating disorder, who go into treatment for substance abuse or chemical dependency, have high rates of relapse with an eating disorder, especially while still at the addiction treatment center. Similarly, people discharging from a segment of eating disorder treatment commonly relapse on multiple substances, including food. Twelve step programs have an exceptional history guiding addicts into recovery with-out bias to substance, socioeconomic, cultural and religious background. Eating disorder practitioners have mixed opinions on the benefits of twelve step programs for their client’s, even though 60% of eating disorder clients report multiple cross-addictions. Brewerton reports that food can stimulate the opiate system and that there are striking similarities in use and withdrawal patterns of sugar and of classic drugs of abuse. In addition, there often appear to be reciprocal relationships among food and other substances. This presentation will guide interested novice to seasoned professionals how to integrate the twelve step model with a traditional eating disorder treatment approach, creating a comprehensive support system for recovery.


Eat yourself happy this winter

Filed under: treating eating disorders

Omega-3 and vitamin B are specifically used in treating those with mood disorders, adds Benita Perch, naturopathic practitioner at Integrated Medicine Institute in Central. "I tend to give depressive patients omega-3 and B-complex," she says. Perch …
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Symptoms of eating disorders

Filed under: treating eating disorders

Eating disorders can take several forms. The National Institute of Mental Health offers this summary of the symptoms. For details about the medical consequences of these disorders, visit Anorexia nervosa is marked by an obsessive …
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