Depression Treatment: Brain Structural and Psychometric Alterations in Chronic Low Back Pain.
Brain structural and psychometric alterations in chronic low back pain.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Eur Spine J. 2013 Feb 8;
Ivo R, Nicklas A, Dargel J, Sobottke R, Delank KS, Eysel P, Weber B
PURPOSE: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is one of the most important pain disorders with increasing social and economic implications. Given that CLBP is a multidimensional process associated with comorbidities such as anxiety and depression, treatment of chronic low back pain is still a challenge. Advancement of in vivo brain imaging technologies has revealed increasing insights into the etiology and pathogenesis of chronic pain; however, the exact mechanisms of chronification of LBP remain still unclear. The purpose of the present study was to analyse the neurostructural alterations in CLBP and to evaluate the role of comorbidities and their neurostructural underpinnings. METHODS: In the present study we investigated a well-characterized group of 14 patients with CLBP and 14 healthy controls applying structural MRI and psychometric measures. Using an improved algorithm for brain normalization (DARTEL) we performed a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) approach. Correlation analyses were performed to evaluate the role of anxiety and depression in neurostructural alterations observed in CLBP. RESULTS: The psychometric measures revealed significantly higher scores on depression and anxiety in the patient population. VBM analysis showed significant decreases in grey matter density in areas associated with pain processing and modulation, i.e. the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the thalamus and the middle cingulate cortex. With respect to anxiety and depression scores, we did not observe any correlations to the structural data. CONCLUSIONS: In the present study we found compelling evidence for alterations of grey matter architecture in CLBP in brain regions playing a major role in pain modulation and control. Our results fit the hypothesis of a “brain signature” in chronic pain conditions. The results of the psychometric assessment underline the importance of an interdisciplinary therapeutic approach including orthopedic, neurological and psychological evaluation and treatment.
HubMed – depression
The biological clock keeps ticking, but exercise may turn it back.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2013 Feb; 71(2): 113-8
Deslandes A
Aging is an inevitable process that is associated to loss of functional capacities in several body systems, like the cardiovascular, the skeletal muscle mass, the osteoarticular and the neuro-immune-endocrine systems. Changes appear due to interactions between genetic factors and way of life, such as diet and sedentary life style. This review shows evidence from the past twenty years concerning the importance of physical exercise to reduce the deleterious effects of aging, regarding the improvement in functional performance, the prevention of diseases and increased longevity. Moreover, physical exercise improves the cognitive function and the mood. Aerobic and strength training collaborate with the prevention and treatment of mental diseases, which are mostly prevalent in older adults, like major depression, dementia and Parkinson?s disease. Several mechanisms of neurobiological action are proposed to explain how exercise can actually reduce the effects of aging.
HubMed – depression
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