[Quality Control of Printed Patient Information.]
[Quality Control of Printed Patient Information.]
Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol. 2013 Feb 27;
Herm K, Linden M
Printed material is an important part in patient information and is called bibliotherapy. It is subject to quality control similar to any other types of treatment. This paper presents an outline of important quality criteria and methods of quality control. Important quality criteria are: (a) Correctness and validity of content evaluated by mentioning the expertise of the authors, appraisal through external experts, reference to scientific literature, and empirical tests of the content, (b) Readability in respect to text structure measured by the “Flesch-Reading-Ease-Formula” supported by fair graphical design including fond and structure of text, (c) Comprehensibility tested by feedback of patients or standardized by the Hamburg comprehensibility rating, (d) Utility including securing availability, acceptance, differential indication and use. Writing and publication of patient leaflets must be accompanied by quality control measures. HubMed – rehab
Fluoroscopic Evaluation of Tongue and Jaw Movements During Mastication in Healthy Humans.
Dysphagia. 2013 Feb 28;
Taniguchi H, Matsuo K, Okazaki H, Yoda M, Inokuchi H, Gonzalez-Fernandez M, Inoue M, Palmer JB
When chewing solid food, part of the bolus is propelled into the oropharynx before swallowing; this is named stage II transport (St2Tr). However, the tongue movement patterns that comprise St2Tr remain unclear. We investigated coronal jaw and tongue movements using videofluorography. Fourteen healthy young adults ate 6 g each of banana, cookie, and meat (four trials per foodstuff). Small lead markers were glued to the teeth and tongue surface to track movements by videofluorography in the anteroposterior projection. Recordings were divided into jaw motion cycles of four types: stage I transport (St1Tr), chewing, St2Tr, and swallowing. The range of horizontal tongue motion was significantly larger during St1Tr and chewing than during St2Tr and swallowing, whereas vertical tongue movements were significantly larger during chewing and St2Tr than during swallowing. Tongue movements varied significantly with food consistency. We conclude that the small horizontal tongue marker movements during St2Tr and swallowing were consistent with a “squeeze-back” mechanism of bolus propulsion. The vertical dimension was large in chewing and St2Tr, perhaps because of food particle reduction and transport in chewing and St2Tr. HubMed – rehab
Etiology and Complications of Central Nervous System Infections in Children Treated in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in Poland.
J Child Neurol. 2013 Feb 26;
Kuchar E, Nitsch-Osuch A, Rorat M, Namani S, Pabianek D, Topczewska-Cabanek A, Zycinska K, Wardyn K, Szenborn L
Central nervous system infections are significant causes of mortality and long-term neurologic complications in children. Survivors often require an extended period of rehabilitation. The authors carried out a retrospective analysis of 1158 children (aged 1 month to 16 years; 31 boys) treated in one pediatric intensive care unit in Warsaw between 2002 and 2010. Forty-three of 1158 (3.7%) children presented with neuroinfections. Nearly two-thirds of the children were younger than age 5 years. The majority of cases (62.8%) were vaccine-preventable bacterial infections. The most frequent complications were brain edema (30.2%), brain hemorrhage (27.9%), and secondary nosocomial pneumonia (25.6%). One-fifth of children developed late, long-term neurologic complications. The mortality rate was 20.9%. The study showed that central nervous system infections are significant causes of hospitalization in the pediatric intensive care unit and often result in death or long-term complications. These infections mainly affect children younger than age 5 years. The majority could be prevented with immunizations. HubMed – rehab
Functional outcomes following a non-operative treatment algorithm for anterior cruciate ligament injuries in skeletally immature children 12 years and younger. A prospective cohort with 2 years follow-up.
Br J Sports Med. 2013 Feb 27;
Moksnes H, Engebretsen L, Eitzen I, Risberg MA
BACKGROUND: The methodological quality of studies on treatment of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in skeletally immature children after ACL injury is low, and no prospective studies have evaluated the functional outcomes following a non-operative treatment algorithm. PURPOSE: To report changes in knee function and activity level in skeletally immature children following a non-operative treatment algorithm for a minimum of 2 years after ACL injury. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective cohort. METHODS: 46 skeletally immature children aged 12 years and younger were evaluated at baseline and subsequent yearly follow-ups using patient-reported outcome measurements, isokinetic muscle strength measurements, single-legged hop tests and clinical examinations over a minimum period of 2 years. Participation in physical activities was monitored using a monthly online activity survey, and the main leisure-time sport activity was registered at the yearly follow-ups. RESULTS: 36 (78%) of the children did not undergo an ACL reconstruction during the follow-up. Statistically significant changes with questionable clinical relevance were discovered with the patient-reported outcome measurements or hop tests. Leg symmetry indexes were consistently above 90% for muscle strength and single legged hop tests throughout the study, and the isokinetic muscle strength improved significantly in the injured limb. Ninety-one per cent maintained participation in pivoting sports and/or physical education in school, although 38% of the ACL deficient children changed their main activity from a level 1 to a level 2 activity. CONCLUSIONS: A non-operative treatment algorithm may be appropriate for ACL injured skeletally immature children, although a reduced participation in level 1 activities may be necessary for some children. HubMed – rehab