US Military Crisis: One Suicide Per Day
US Military Crisis: One Suicide Per Day – Mark Thompson’s recent article “One a Day” published in Time Magazine July 2012 addresses the alarming suicide rate in the US military. One soldier takes his own life each day. According to statistics of the US Department of Defense 94% are male, 80% are white, 47% under the age of 25, and 31% communicated their intention to commit suicide. How can we counteract this crisis? You can e-mail your podcast suggestions and questions to: [email protected] Visit us as Follow us on Twitter @doctordaniela to get your daily tweet! Here is to a good life! Take care, DrD
Sleeping beauty
According to Dr Devnani, mood disorders, bipolar disorder and depression are common causes of hypersomnia. Dr Nair adds that he sees many cases where the cause is … The common fallouts of sleeping too much are a decreased level of concentration … Read more on Livemint
Thanks for nothing, Purell!
My anxiety level spiked over any possible exposure to malicious microbes. Oh my god, I just touched that door handle. Calm down. Just don't touch your … And I'll never be allowed to forget that Christmas getaway to Las Vegas when a particularly nasty … Read more on Salon
Cognitive Therapy Controls Impulse Behaviors in Parkinson's
CBT is typically used solely to treat depression and anxiety in patients with PD. This was the first study to suggest that CBT might be useful for impulse control in PD, said Dr. David. The results are encouraging and warrant a larger multicenter trial … Read more on Medscape
Finalists have vision for success
At present there are two main non-pharmacology based treatment methods for mental health disorders; traditional face-to-face therapy methods and computer-based treatment programmes. Traditional … “The platform delivers support and programmes that … Read more on Irish Times