MONISA Study: Characteristics and Methodological Aspects.

MONISA study: characteristics and methodological aspects.

Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2012 Dec; 15(4): 904-907
Sousa TF, Fonseca SA, José HP, Nahas MV

The objective is to present the characteristics and methodological procedures adopted in the MONISA Study (Surveillance of health and quality of life indicators of college students). This is a prospective, panel type study, with biannual surveys of representative samples of undergraduate students at a public university in the State of Bahia, Brazil. This study carried out five surveys, totaling 10 years of monitoring (2010-2018). The sample is stratified and proportional to the courses, study period (day and night) and year of attending university. Finally, college students are selected at each stratum, through the registration list in alphabetical order. To obtain the information is used a structured questionnaire with the following sections: socio-demographic indicators, indicators of lifestyle and health, eating habits and body weight control, physical activity and other leisure options, preventive behaviors, and indicators environment and learning conditions. The novel aspects of this study may help in clarifying possible trends related to the health of Brazilian college students and to subsidize policies and programs or projects to promote health and quality of life in local, organizational level. HubMed – eating


You are worth more than what you weigh: preventing eating disorders.

Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2013 Feb; 42(2): 64-5
Lee HY, Hoodbhoy Z

HubMed – eating


Measuring Oral Sensitivity in Clinical Practice: A Quick and Reliable Behavioural Method.

Dysphagia. 2013 Mar 21;
Dovey TM, Aldridge VK, Martin CI

This article aims to offer a behavioural assessment strategy for oral sensitivity that can be readily applied in the clinical setting. Four children, ranging in age and with a variety of developmental and medical problems, were used as test cases for a task analysis of tolerance to touch probes in and around the mouth. In all cases, the assessment was sensitive to weekly measures of an intervention for oral sensitivity over a 3-week period. Employing an inexpensive, direct, specific to the individual, replicable, reliable, and effective measure for a specific sensory problem would fit better with the edicts of evidence-based practice. The current method offered the initial evidence towards this goal. HubMed – eating



Health Connection: Eating Disorders – St. Vincent Physician Network’s Dr. Mark Schulke is an experienced family medicine physician with a unique interest in eating disorders. His goal is to provi…