What Is Depression and How Do I Know if I Have It?


What is Depression and How do I Know if I Have It? – This video is about how to identify the symptoms of clinical depression.


Stu Cowan: Shining a scary spotlight on concussions
“With my past history in the infantry, PTSD, my concussions and my depression, basically I turned to hockey to make me feel better about myself. When they told me I couldn't play the game anymore, that was the first part of my life that was ended. And … Read more on Montreal Gazette

Fight cyber bullies with digital literacy: Psychiatrists to parents
"Bullied children should be counselled because they can go into depression and their studies will suffer as a result of the bullying," he said. "If parents are 'friends' with their children online, it will be easier to monitor them, and they will be … Read more on Daily News & Analysis