A Potential in Vitro and in Vivo Anti-HIV Drug Screening System for Chinese Herbal Medicines.
A potential in vitro and in vivo anti-HIV drug screening system for Chinese herbal medicines.
Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation
Phytother Res. 2012 Jun; 26(6): 899-907
Feng L, Wang L, Ma YY, Li M, Zhao GQ
Chinese herbal medicines are often applied as an alternative therapy for viral diseases. However, the development of anti-HIV herbal drugs has proceeded slowly, partly because of the lack of a high-throughput system for screening these drugs. The present study evaluated 16 herbal medicines for anti-HIV activities in vitro and in vivo. Herbal medicines were first screened for the ability to regulate C-X-C receptor 4 (CXCR4) and C-C receptor 5 (CCR5) promoter activities. A single-round pseudotyped HIV-luciferase reporter virus system (HIV-Luc) was used to identify potential anti-HIV mechanisms. CD4+ T cells from healthy volunteers were examined for changes in CXCR4 and CCR5 levels. HIV-1 replication was evaluated by ELISA. Spica Prunellae and Herba Andrographitis were found to down-regulate the activities of both the CXCR4 and CCR5 promoters. Also, Spica Prunellae and Herba Andrographitis (>1000 ?M) inhibited HIV-1 in a dose-dependent manner. CXCR4 and CCR5 levels were reduced in CD4+ T cells from healthy volunteers (p<0.05). Spica Prunellae and Herba Andrographitis (EC??: 3.18 and 5.49 ?g/mL, respectively) could suppress cell fusion and decrease p24 antigen. In conclusion, the data demonstrated that Spica Prunellae and Herba Andrographitis possessed anti-HIV-1 capabilities, perhaps through the inhibition of the CXCR4 and CCR5 promoters and HIV-1 replication. HubMed – drug
Comparative proteomic analysis of drug sodium iron chlorophyllin addition to Hep 3B cell line.
Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation
Analyst. 2012 Aug 1;
Zhang J, Wang W, Yang F, Zhou X, Jin H, Yang PY
The human hepatoma 3B cell line was chosen as an experimental model for in vitro test of drug screening. The drugs included chlorophyllin and its derivatives such as fluo-chlorophyllin, sodium copper chlorophyllin, and sodium iron chlorophyllin. The 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) method was used in this study to obtain the primary screening results. The results showed that sodium iron chlorophyllin had the best LC(50) value. Proteomic analysis was then performed for further investigation of the effect of sodium iron chlorophyllin addition to the Hep 3B cell line. The proteins identified from a total protein extract of Hep 3B before and after the drug addition were compared by two-dimensional-gel-electrophoresis. Then 32 three-fold differentially expressed proteins were successfully identified by MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS. There are 29 unique proteins among those identified proteins. These proteins include proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), T-complex protein, heterogeneous nuclear protein, nucleophosmin, heat shock protein A5 (HspA5) and peroxiredoxin. HspA5 is one of the proteins which are involved in protecting cancer cells against stress-induced apoptosis in cultured cells, protecting them against apoptosis through various mechanisms. Peroxiredoxin has anti-oxidant function and is related to cell proliferation, and signal transduction. It can protect the oxidation of other proteins. Peroxiredoxin has a close relationship with cancer and can eventually become a disease biomarker. This might help to develop a novel treatment method for carcinoma cancer.
HubMed – drug
Osmotic Drug Delivery System as a Part of Modified Release Dosage Form.
Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation
ISRN Pharm. 2012; 2012: 528079
Keraliya RA, Patel C, Patel P, Keraliya V, Soni TG, Patel RC, Patel MM
Conventional drug delivery systems are known to provide an immediate release of drug, in which one can not control the release of the drug and can not maintain effective concentration at the target site for longer time. Controlled drug delivery systems offer spatial control over the drug release. Osmotic pumps are most promising systems for controlled drug delivery. These systems are used for both oral administration and implantation. Osmotic pumps consist of an inner core containing drug and osmogens, coated with a semipermeable membrane. As the core absorbs water, it expands in volume, which pushes the drug solution out through the delivery ports. Osmotic pumps release drug at a rate that is independent of the pH and hydrodynamics of the dissolution medium. The historical development of osmotic systems includes development of the Rose-Nelson pump, the Higuchi-Leeper pumps, the Alzet and Osmet systems, the elementary osmotic pump, and the push-pull system. Recent advances include development of the controlled porosity osmotic pump, and systems based on asymmetric membranes. This paper highlights the principle of osmosis, materials used for fabrication of pumps, types of pumps, advantages, disadvantages, and marketed products of this system.
HubMed – drug
Staff Bio – Tom C. Las Vegas Drug and Alcohol rehab, call (702) 228-8520 – Tom Christopoulos speaks about his experiences and role at Solutions Recovery, Inc. a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, as well as her experiences. To find out more about addictions and how to treat them visit our website at www.solutions-recovery.com
Three Bay Park drug treatment homes shut down
Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation
The California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs last week suspended the license of Bay Recovery's inpatient treatment centers. The clinic can still provide outpatient services under the suspension. The complaint that sparked the raid, which was …
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