Abilify Depression Medicine Sucks!


Abilify Depression Medicine Sucks! – Here is a short movie that I directed last semester and stars Nicole Furneisen and the excellent camera work of Ryan Hamilton. It premiered on the last day of class. Thanks to you guys for your work on this, I couldn’t have done it without you!


Physician warnings to at-risk drivers reduced crashes, increased depression

Filed under: depression medicine

Patients judged potentially unfit to drive experienced fewer traumatic road crashes after physicians' warnings, but also experienced an increase in mood disorders, according to recent data. Researchers in Ontario, Canada, studied 100,075 individuals …
Read more on Healio


Treating Adolescent Depression With Psychotherapy: The Three T's

Filed under: depression medicine

Fortunately, there is strong empirical evidence for successful therapeutic treatment of adolescent mental health disorders, including depression. Psychotherapy for depression is as effective as medication in many cases and is the recommended first-line …
Read more on Psychiatric Times


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