Acute Rehospitalizations During Inpatient Rehabilitation for Spinal Cord Injury.
Acute rehospitalizations during inpatient rehabilitation for spinal cord injury.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013 Apr; 94(4 Suppl): S98-S105
Hammond FM, Horn SD, Smout RJ, Chen D, Dejong G, Scelza W, Jha A, Ballard PH, Bloomgarden J
To investigate frequency of and reasons for readmission to acute care (RTAC) during inpatient rehabilitation after traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI), and to identify factors associated with RTAC.Prospective observational cohort.Inpatient rehabilitation.Individuals with SCI (N=1376) consecutively admitted for inpatient rehabilitation; 1032 randomly selected for model development; 344 selected for model cross-validation.Not applicable.RTAC, RTAC reasons, rehabilitation length of stay (LOS), discharge location and FIM, rehospitalization between discharge and year 1, and 1-year outcomes: FIM, Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique, and Patient Health Questionnaire-9.Participants (n=116; 11%) experienced RTAC with a total 143 episodes-96 patients experienced only 1 RTAC, while 14 had 2 RTACs, 5 had 3 RTACs, and 1 had 4 RTACs. The most common RTAC reasons were surgery (36%), infection (22%), noninfectious respiratory (14%), and gastrointestinal (8%). Mean days ± SD from rehabilitation admission to first RTAC was 27±30 days. Seventy-four (7%) patients had at least 1 RTAC for medical reasons and 46 (4%) for surgical reasons. Regression analyses indicated several variables were associated with RTACs: greater admission medical severity, lower admission cognitive FIM, pressure ulcer acquired in acute care, and study site. Medical RTACs were associated with higher body mass index, lower admission cognitive and motor FIM, payer, and study site. Predictors of surgical RTAC were longer time from injury to rehabilitation admission and study site. After controlling for the other variables, the only outcome RTAC influenced was longer rehabilitation LOS.Approximately 11% of SCI patients experience RTAC during the course of rehabilitation for a variety of medical and surgical reasons. RTACs are associated with longer rehabilitation LOS. HubMed – rehab
Rehospitalization in the first year of traumatic spinal cord injury after discharge from medical rehabilitation.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013 Apr; 94(4 Suppl): S87-97
Dejong G, Tian W, Hsieh CH, Junn C, Karam C, Ballard PH, Smout RJ, Horn SD, Zanca JM, Heinemann AW, Hammond FM, Backus D
To determine rates of rehospitalization among discharged rehabilitation patients with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) in the first 12 months postinjury, and to identify factors associated with rehospitalization.Prospective observational cohort study.Six geographically dispersed rehabilitation centers in the U.S.Consecutively enrolled individuals with new traumatic SCI (N=951), who were discharged from participating rehabilitation centers and participated in a 1-year follow-up survey.Not applicable.Occurrence of postrehabilitation rehospitalization within 1 year of injury, length of rehospitalization stays, and causes of rehospitalizations.More than one third (36.2%) of participants were rehospitalized at least once in the 12-month follow-up period; 12.5% were rehospitalized at least twice. The average number of rehospitalizations among those rehospitalized at least once was 1.37 times, with an average length of stay (LOS) of 15.5 days across all rehospitalization episodes. The 3 most common health conditions associated with rehospitalization were those related to the genitourinary system (eg, urinary tract infection), respiratory system (eg, pneumonia), and skin and subcutaneous tissue (eg, pressure ulcer). Being a woman (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.034-2.279), having Medicaid as the main payer (95% CI, 1.303-2.936), and more severe case mix were associated with increased odds of rehospitalization. Those who had more intensive physical therapy (95% CI, .960-.981) had lower odds of rehospitalization. Some center-to-center variation in rehospitalization rates remained unexplained after case mix and practice differences were considered. The 6 SCI rehabilitation centers varied nearly 2-fold in rates at which their former SCI patients were rehospitalized-from 27.8% to 50%. Center-to-center variation diminished when patient case mix was considered.Compared with earlier studies, rehospitalization rates among individuals with SCI in the first postinjury year remain high and vary by level and completeness of injury. Rehospitalization risk was associated with younger age, being a woman, unemployment and retirement, and Medicaid coverage. Those who had more intensive physical therapy had lower odds of rehospitalization. Future studies should examine center-to-center variations in rehospitalization rates and availability of patient education and community resources. HubMed – rehab
Association of various comorbidity measures with spinal cord injury rehabilitation outcomes.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013 Apr; 94(4 Suppl): S75-86
Horn SD, Smout RJ, Dejong G, Dijkers MP, Hsieh CH, Lammertse D, Whiteneck GG
To investigate the amount of variation in short- and medium-term spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation outcomes explained by various comorbidity measures, over and above patient preinjury characteristics and neurologic and functional status.Prospective observational cohort study of traumatic SCI patients receiving inpatient rehabilitation and followed up at 1 year postinjury.Inpatient rehabilitation and community follow-up at 6 SCI treatment centers.Participants (N=1376) included 1032 patients randomly selected for model development and 344 patients selected for cross-validation.Not applicable.Rehabilitation length of stay (LOS), return to acute care during rehabilitation, discharge motor FIM, discharge home, rehospitalization after discharge, 1-year return to work/school and 1-year depression symptomatology, motor FIM, and residence. Comorbidity measures used were case-mix groups tier weights, Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI), and the Comprehensive Severity Index (CSI).Multivariable regression analyses, controlling for patient preinjury and injury characteristics, found that the maximum Comprehensive Severity Index (MCSI) was a significant and stronger predictor of LOS, return to acute care during rehabilitation, and 1-year motor FIM compared with the case-mix groups tier weight or the CCI. The admission CSI was a strong predictor of LOS. For rehospitalization after discharge, only the case-mix groups tier weight was significant. No comorbidity measure was significant beyond patient preinjury and injury characteristics for discharge home, discharge motor FIM, living at home, depression symptomatology, major depressive syndrome, and return to work/school.Patient preinjury and injury characteristics are sufficient to predict most SCI outcomes. For rehabilitation LOS and return to acute care during rehabilitation, one achieves substantially better explanation when taking clinical comorbidity based on the MCSI into account. HubMed – rehab
CER, PBE, SCIRehab, NIDRR, and Other Important Abbreviations.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2013 Apr; 94(4 Suppl): S61-6
Dijkers MP, Whiteneck GG, Gassaway J
Comparative effectiveness research (CER) has been receiving much attention (and government funding) in recent years, stemming from dissatisfaction with much medical and health care research, which does not produce actionable evidence that can be used by clinicians, patients, and policymakers. Rehabilitation research has been characterized by similar weaknesses and by often inadequate research designs. The SCIRehab study of the outcomes of inpatient spinal cord injury rehabilitation is one of a small number of rehabilitation practice-based evidence (PBE) studies in recent years that allows for the comparison of interventions by all disciplines for relevant real-life outcomes. This introduction to a series of articles resulting from the SCIRehab project discusses the need for and the nature of CER, and places the SCIRehab study and other PBE studies in the light of CER. After a description of the highlights of the analyses in this supplement, we provide a preliminary evaluation of SCIRehab, counting the articles and presentations from the study, the resources that went into this vast project, and the lessons learned that may benefit future rehabilitation PBE investigators. HubMed – rehab
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