Addiction Rehab: Loving a Partner Through an Addiction – MyFox Houston
Loving a partner through an addiction – MyFox Houston
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
3. Talk openly with the kids about addiction and recovery. When Carla’s husband was in rehab she took her kids who were 8 and 5 with her to visit their dad (he had already been there 2 weeks before he was allowed visitors). She spoke with them honestly …
addiction rehab – Bing News
Most Addicts Do Receive Anti-Drug Education Prior to Abusing Drugs, Narconon Riverbend Research Finds – YAHOO!
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
and that we can start helping our kids know the very real dangers of drug abuse and addiction. Narconon Riverbend’s survey was conducted on addicts seeking drug rehab, and, with the sample size used, there is a 12.5% margin of error.
addiction rehab – Bing News
Petition Combating Opioid Addiction Could Hurt Patients – YAHOO!
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
Dr. Joshua Prager, who directs the Center for Rehabilitation of Pain Syndromes at the University … said Dr. Stephen Ross, who holds a slew of addiction and psychiatry titles at New York University hospitals and said he is in favor of the …
addiction rehab – Bing News
Utah Addiction Rehab Center 1-888-917-3422 – Addiction takes away life.. Addiction Recovery Group helps restore lives — one step at a time. Call 888-91-REHAB 24/7or visit us at The Addiction Recovery Group offers 12-step based alcohol and drug abuse treatment. Our focus is on a 60-90 day residential program with 90 days of aftercare. We have found group therapy combined with individual therapy to be effective in the process of recovery. We provide 30 hours of group therapy a week as well as 2 individual therapy sessions. We provide separate campuses for men and women. Our men’s campus is located in Rockville, Utah near the entrance to Zion National Park. Our Mediterranean-style villa sits on 70 serene acres with numerous hiking trails, a river, and the mountains of Zion National Park in the background. We believe that separate campuses allow both men and women to focus on their personal journey of recovery with fewer distractions. Family therapy is an important part of our client’s recovery process. We provide a family therapy workshop for all of our clients in residential treatment. This is an opportunity for the family members to begin to understand the disease of addiction and begin their own process of recovery. The modalities we use in treatment include: the 12 steps, Emotional and Shame-Based Belief system work, Therapeutic Community, Cognitive and Behavioral techniques, Defense Mechanisms, Relapse Prevention, Case Management, Experiential Therapy, Equine Therapy, and Family Systems …
I Went to Rehab—and Got High—With Eva Rausing in the '80s. Her Death …
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
I stayed clean for four months after the first stay and then relapsed, and the subsequent 18 months had seen the typical downward addiction spiral for me. I was clearly unwell. But Eva was something else. We were close in age, and we had probably been …
Read more on Slate Magazine
A feckless son, the girl he met in rehab and a dynasty torn apart by a fatal …
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
Before the hearing, Mr Rausing's family issued a statement saying: 'We hope with all our hearts that Hans K and Eva can overcome their addiction and we continue to do what we can to help.' The couple did not appear in court, and the hearing surprised …
Read more on Daily Mail
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