Another Mental Health Question?
Question by Isaac Parker: Another mental health question?
I’m not sure if this Is true or not, but I heard that in some state, being treated for depression or even just an eating disorder takes your gun rights away. I’ve been to a therapist for depression, no medication, just talking, and I’ve also seen a doctor for Tourette’s syndrome and gotten medication. Would that show up on a background check for a gun? And if so, would it disqualify me from getting a gun? I know mental illness treatment would show up. And if I was deemed a threat to society it would show up, but I don’t have any of that. But would my seeing a therapist from depression and a doctor for tourettes be disqualifying? I don’t think so but I can’t be sure. I live in Colorado, and can’t seem to find anybody who knows the answer.
Best answer:
Answer by ?
I believe it has to be a mental illness that includes violence or threats of violence. Depression wouldn’t necessarily deny you your rights
Answer by Schadenfreude
Under Obama’s 23 executive orders one influenced by New York law if you’re seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist and you say something that might be considered violent — “I can’t stand my boss and I wish he would just die!” — under Obama’s executive orders the psychiatrist must now report you to the government as a possible danger to society. This is done in complete violation of doctor-patient confidentiality. This is known as a thoughtcrime which is the criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs or doubts that oppose or question society. Thought times are only not tolerated during tyrannic rule. The government is trying very slowly the implamention of decreasing home gun ownership by various means and have certain citizens demonized by various means by their neighbors. Labeling somebody is to keep tabs on political dissessedence (oppisition to the ruling party). Most patients with stable mental illness do not present an increased risk of violence studies found that 21 of 517 outpatients (4%) in an urban setting reported a history of homicide attempts.
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