Artwork of Clark Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Resident Chosen for 'Works

Artwork of Clark Nursing and Rehabilitation Center resident chosen for 'Works
Congratulations to Assunta (Sue) Criscitiello, a resident of Clark Nursing & Rehabilitation Center of 1213 Westfield Avenue, Clark. Her artwork has been chosen for the HCANJ's (Health Care Association of New Jersey) 'Works of Heart' 2014 wall calendar. Read more on Suburban News

Special tour of Hamilton Farm, home to US Equestrian Team, slated for Sept. 22
It will also cover the diverse uses of the building over the years, including its functions during World War II, first as a canning factory for foodstuffs sent to England during the Blitz and later as a hospital and rehabilitation center. Following the … Read more on Hunterdon County Democrat –

Meet the 'moderate' Syrian sheikh young think tanker wants us to adopt
Another board member, Bassam Estwani was the imam of the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center, which was Al-Qaeda leader Anwar Al-Awlaki's former mosque and a front for Hamas, according to the Treasury Department. Board member Zaher Sahoul is chairman … Read more on Daily Caller

Amanda Bynes’ Insanely Expensive Mental Health Bills
Amanda Bynes is currently getting court-ordered treatment for her alleged mental issues, but it’s costing her nearly 00 per day alcohol rehabilitation so…