Baby Blues – Postpartum Depression
Baby Blues – Postpartum Depression – Most new moms struggle with some form of emotional letdown, while 1 out of 10 suffer a full-blown postpartum depression. Symptoms range from feeling fatigued to feeling suicidal. The Family Birthplace at Memorial Hospital West in Pembroke Pines, Florida offers classes to help families recognize and treat the depression when it affects a loved one.
Perinatal episodes prevalent in women with mood disorders
Filed under: postpartum depression symptoms
Similarly, 69.0% of women with bipolar II disorder and 67.4% of women with recurrent major depression were affected by a mood episode during pregnancy or the postpartum period. Women with bipolar I disorder were affected by a mood episode during the …
Jammies, the First Baby Product that Helps Fight Postpartum Depression …
Filed under: postpartum depression symptoms
Postpartum Progress, the world's most widely read blog on postpartum depression (PPD), is officially launching the first baby product created specifically to help fight PPD: Jammies by Hélene Lauré. Jammies ( is a sweet …
Read more on PR Web (press release)
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