Binge Eating as a Determinant of Emotional State in Overweight and Obese Males With Cardiovascular Disease.
Binge eating as a determinant of emotional state in overweight and obese males with cardiovascular disease.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
Maturitas. 2013 Feb 7;
Pokrajac-Bulian A, Tkal?i? M, Ambrosi-Randi? N
OBJECTIVES: The present study investigates the association between depression, anxiety and binge eating at baseline with weight-change after an approximately 1-year period in a clinical sample of obese adult males with cardiovascular disease. METHODS: At the time of the first measurement, the sample consisted of 69 overweight and obese men (age range between 36 and 74); 34 patients attended a follow-up measurement 6-17 months after the first measurement, and completed selected psychological instruments. RESULTS: After the follow-up period, only 28.7% patients’ lost weight, 29.9% patients’ had the same weight, and finally 41.4% patients’ gained weight. When comparing the first and the second assessments, the level of anxiety and depression is relatively stable. Men, who, at the time of the second assessment, gained weight, and were binge eating at baseline, were more depressed and anxious in comparison with the other two groups of patients. CONCLUSIONS: It is necessary to focus primarily on binge eating symptoms as a part of weight reduction treatment as well as to treat anxiety and depression in CVD patients. Binge eating is an eating disorder per se, and therefore it is important to treat it before the person starts weight reduction procedures as part of the risk prevention treatment for CVD patients.
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A Second Chance: Meanings of Body Weight, Diet, and Physical Activity to Women Who Have Experienced Cancer.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
J Nutr Educ Behav. 2013 Feb 7;
Maley M, Warren BS, Devine CM
OBJECTIVE: To understand the meanings of diet, physical activity, and body weight in the context of women’s cancer experiences. DESIGN: Grounded theory using 15 qualitative interviews and 3 focus groups. SETTING: Grassroots community cancer organizations in the northeastern United States. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty-six white women cancer survivors; 86% had experienced breast cancer. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Participants’ views of the meanings of body weight, diet, and physical activity in the context of the cancer. ANALYSIS: Procedures adapted from the constant comparative method of qualitative analysis using iterative open coding. RESULTS: Themes emerged along 3 intersecting dimensions: vulnerability and control, stress and living well, and uncertainty and confidence. Diet and body weight were seen as sources of increased vulnerability and distress. Uncertainty about diet heightened distress and lack of control. Physical activity was seen as a way to regain control and reduce distress. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Emergent themes of vulnerability-control, stress-living well, and uncertainty-confidence may aid in understanding and promoting health behaviors in the growing population of cancer survivors. Messages that resonated with participants included taking ownership over one’s body, physical activity as stress reduction, healthy eating for overall health and quality of life, and a second chance to get it right.
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Sociocultural pressures and adolescent eating in the absence of hunger.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
Body Image. 2013 Feb 6;
Reina SA, Shomaker LB, Mooreville M, Courville AB, Brady SM, Olsen C, Yanovski SZ, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Yanovski JA
Parental feeding practices and sociocultural pressures theoretically influence eating behavior. Yet, whether these factors relate to eating in the absence of hunger (EAH) is unknown. We assessed if sociocultural pressures were associated with EAH among 90 adolescents (M(age)=15.27, SD=1.39; 48% female). Parents completed the Child Feeding Questionnaire. Adolescents completed the Perceived Sociocultural Pressures Scale, Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-3, and Multidimensional Body Self-Relations Questionnaire-Appearance Scales. On two occasions, EAH was assessed as snack food intake after adolescents ate to satiety. Controlling for body composition and demographics, parental restriction and family pressure to be thin were associated with greater EAH. Media pressure was related to more EAH in girls. Appearance orientation and preoccupation with becoming overweight mediated links between sociocultural pressures and EAH. Findings support the notion that sociocultural pressures and their links to body image may contribute to the course of disinhibited eating behaviors during adolescence.
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