BMB BASIC TRAINING – Episode 4: StayPresent, BeResilient, and StayTheCourse?
BMB BASIC TRAINING – Episode 4: StayPresent, BeResilient, and StayTheCourse? – Are you tired of being anxious or depressed? Have you tried everything, yet are still looking for the magic answer? Well, you’ve been wasting your time. That’s right! The therapies and self-help books you have been so diligently following are all wrong! I’m Chris Sorrentino, better known as Combat Counselor. The answer to your problems is not in the content of your life or thoughts, but in the context. You’ve been looking at your problems from the wrong perspective! No wonder you never seem to get any better! My weekly series, BMB BASIC TRAINING, takes you through the details of my exciting new therapy, Body-Mind-Behavior Therapy. Episode 1, 2, and 3 are already complete and in upcoming episodes I will answer questions from viewers about how BMBT works and how it can help you.
Twenty ways to avoid Alzheimer's
Filed under: depression therapies
13 OVERCOME DEPRESSION. If you're depressed, you are more apt to develop Alzheimer's, and at an earlier age. Do not let depression go untreated, especially if you already notice memory problems. Drugs and therapies such as exercise can make a …
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