Body Image and Self Esteem
Body Image and Self Esteem – No one’s body is perfect, so why do we seem to believe that we are the only one in that category? If we were to stop and acknowledge the many working parts, the intricacies involved in those parts, the perfection of MOST parts, we would be astounded at the gift we have been given, and the many gifts that have come as a result of having a body in the first place. Please share three parts of your body for which you are grateful and WHY in the comments below. Let’s celebrate what we have!
Eat, People (Not a Zombie Blog)
Filed under: teenage eating disorders
I've never written about this before, but when I was in high school and college I had a mild eating disorder. Nothing extreme, but a basic binge/purge cycle, although the purge was through excessive exercise. I would have been bulimic except that I …
Read more on Huffington Post (blog)
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