Can Music Evoke Emotion in School Kids?
Question by snicketdoodle: Can music evoke emotion in school kids?
I am participating in a report that focuses on music and its emotional power. I have the categories “depression” and “how music can effect school children.” I have the depression part down. But I am having a hard time finding information on how participating and creating music can rouse emotions in school children. Any help would be great.
Best answer:
Answer by litodo
of course
the song “who let the dogs out” by baha man makes them laugh
enya “carribean blue” gives them a WTF expression
Titanic Theme Tune ‘ makes them cry
Its fun to stay at the YMCA makes them dance
Answer by F M
Oh man, you can use anything. Music inspires us to do better. You put on a tune and you sit and you vibe. It (for some songs) sends out a positive messages that make us feel better and allow us to do better not only in school, but life. We can all feel down because of a low grade or something, but when you put on an inspiring song that tells us about achieving and succeeding, man, from personal experience, it was all I needed to show me what I had to do in order to set my life straight to get the education i needed.
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