Changes in Depression and Quality of Life in Obese Individuals With Binge Eating Disorder: Bariatric Surgery Versus Lifestyle Modification.
Changes in depression and quality of life in obese individuals with binge eating disorder: bariatric surgery versus lifestyle modification.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2012 Nov 14;
Faulconbridge LF, Wadden TA, Thomas JG, Jones-Corneille LR, Sarwer DB, Fabricatore AN
BACKGROUND: Obese individuals with binge eating disorder frequently experience impairments in mood and quality of life, which improve with surgical or behavioral weight loss interventions. It is unclear whether these improvements are due to weight loss itself or to additional aspects of treatment, such as group support, or acquisition of cognitive-behavioral skills provided in behavioral interventions. The objective of the study was to compare changes in weight, symptoms of depression, and quality of life in extremely obese individuals with binge eating disorder undergoing bariatric surgery or a lifestyle modification intervention. The study setting was University Hospital. METHODS: Symptoms of depression and quality of life were assessed at baseline and 2, 6, and 12 months in participants undergoing bariatric surgery but no lifestyle intervention (n = 36) and in nonsurgery participants receiving a comprehensive program of lifestyle modification (n = 49). RESULTS: Surgery participants lost significantly more weight than lifestyle participants at 2, 6, and 12 months (P<.001). Significant improvements in mood (as measured by the Beck Depression Inventory-II [BDI-II]) and quality of life (as measured by the Short Form-36) were observed in both groups across the year, but there were no differences between the groups at month 12 (even when controlling for reductions in binge eating). A positive correlation was observed between the magnitude of weight loss and change in BDI-II score when collapsing across groups. Moreover, weight loss at one time point predicted BDI-II score at the next time point, but BDI-II score did not predict subsequent weight loss. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that similar improvements in mood and quality of life can be expected from either bariatric surgery or lifestyle modification treatments for periods up to 1 year. HubMed – eating
A Qualitative Study of Diverse Experts’ Views about Barriers and Strategies to Improve the Diets and Health of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Beneficiaries.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
J Acad Nutr Diet. 2013 Jan; 113(1): 70-6
Leung CW, Hoffnagle EE, Lindsay AC, Lofink HE, Hoffman VA, Turrell S, Willett WC, Blumenthal SJ
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the largest federal food assistance program, currently serves 44.7 million Americans with a budget of $ 75 billion in 2011. This study engaged leading experts for in-depth, semi-structured interviews to explore their opinions concerning the existing challenges and barriers to eating nutritiously in SNAP. Experts also proposed strategies for improving nutritional status among SNAP recipients. Twenty-seven individuals were interviewed from advocacy, government, industry, and research organizations. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, coded, and analyzed for thematic content. The high cost of nutrient-rich foods, inadequate SNAP benefits, limited access to purchasing healthy foods, and environmental factors associated with poverty were identified as barriers that influence nutrition among low-income households in the United States. Six themes emerged among respondents from diverse sectors about how to address these challenges, including providing SNAP participants with incentives to purchase nutrient-rich food consistent with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, restricting the purchase of nutrient-poor foods and beverages with program benefits, modifying the frequency of SNAP benefit distribution, enhancing nutrition education, improving the SNAP retailer environment, and increasing state and federal level coordination and consistency of program implementation. Given the recent dramatic increase in SNAP enrollment, policymakers must address existing barriers as well as consider new strategies to improve nutrition policies in SNAP so that the program can continue to address food insecurity needs as well as provide a healthful diet for SNAP beneficiaries.
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Psychiatric symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2012 Dec 20;
Sar?soy G, Terzi M, Gümü? K, Pazvanto?lu O
OBJECTIVES: This study was intended to identify general psychiatric symptoms in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and to determine the distribution of these psychiatric symptoms by type of MS and degree of disability. METHODS: One hundred fifty-two volunteers, 76 MS patients and 76 healthy controls, matched in terms of age, gender, marital status, years spent in education and income, were included. Psychiatric symptoms were measured using the Symptom Checklist-90-R, Beck Depression Inventory, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Padua Inventory, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Eating Attitude Test. Degree of disability was determined using the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). In addition to being compared between the patient and control groups, scale scores were also compared between groups established on the basis of relapsing-remitting or progressive forms of MS, neurological disability and ambulatory ability. Correlations were determined between EDSS scores and psychiatric scale scores. RESULTS: In addition to symptoms of depression, anxiety and sleep impairment in MS patients, we also determined that less studied symptoms such as somatization, obsession, compulsion, interpersonal sensitivity, anger-hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, low self-esteem and distorted eating attitudes were also more frequent compared to the healthy controls. Some symptoms were also more prevalent in progressive MS patients compared to relapsing-remitting subjects. Symptoms increase as degree of disability rises and ambulatory capacity declines. CONCLUSION: Depressive, anxious and sleep impairment symptoms are not the only ones seen in MS patients; other psychiatric symptoms are also common. Further studies are needed to investigate the frequency and causes of these little-investigated symptoms. As seen in patients with a progressive course and greater neurological disability, more psychiatric symptoms develop in patients with more severe disease.
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My way out! eating disorders – Hey guys, This video was uploaded for anyone out there who knows or experiencing an eating disorder. If you have a question, contact me I could help, If not help I could listen. It was so boring in hospital so I listened to my Ipod, thanks JB for writing your songs.
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