Chew on This: BCC to Hold Dental Care Day
Chew on this: BCC to hold dental care day
BCC's dental hygiene students, alumni and instructors, as well as volunteer local health care professionals, will team up to give needy children free dental exams and treatment on the largest nationally organized free health care day in the country … Read more on Burlington County Times
REGION: When those cold symptoms won't subside
In addition, many cold viruses thrive in low humidity, making the nasal passages drier and more vulnerable to infection, according to Capital Health Medical Center. Dr. Deborah Siegel-Robels, a longtime Princeton area primary care physician who will be … Read more on Packet Online
Seaport Report, Jan. 16, 2014
So I had to speak with founder Robbie Benhuri, L.Ac. In his mid-20s, Robbie came down with a debilitating disease, lost his job, grew extremely depressed and couldn't find a doctor to help until he visited a Chinese acupuncturist in New Jersey. Cut to … Read more on Downtown Express
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Need help in New Jersey? Drinking scene overwhelming? Our dual diagnosis program addresses mental health problems and help in New Jersey. Deluxe accommodatio…