Club Meetings: Oct. 4

Club meetings: Oct. 4
Information: 941-795-8981. Bridge, Palmetto Duplicate Bridge: The Palmetto Duplicate Bridge Club plays at 12:30 p.m. Saturdays in the north wing of Palmetto Nursing & Rehab Center, 926 Haben Blvd., Palmetto. No reservations are necessary but partners … Read more on Bradenton Herald

New treatment helps one Phoenix veteran turn the page
Prior to the study, the federal government only tracked veteran suicides when it involved those who had received support through local VA hospitals, the report states. The report, among other things, notes a steady increase in suicide rates since the … Read more on

Government shutdown: How does it effect Nevada?
All BLM offices and facilities would close, said JoLynn Worley, deputy chief in the Office of Communications for the BLM state office. There are 927 BLM employees in Nevada and only 36 are exempt and will be working, mostly in law enforcement and fire … Read more on Reno Gazette-Journal

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