[Complex Psycho-Social Intervention Program Complementing Conventional Antitumor Therapy – Promising Results].
[Complex psycho-social intervention program complementing conventional antitumor therapy – promising results].
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Magy Onkol. 2012 Dec; 56(4): 247-57
Kovács Z, Rigó A, Kökönyei G, Szabó E, Kovács D, Sebestyén A, Balogh B, Prezenszki Z, Nagy M
The aim of the research was to assess the effectiveness of a comprehensive, complex psycho-social intervention program, operating on different levels of spiritual plane, life management and behavioural health, among women with breast cancer. The general objective of the study was to help in coping, promote cognitive and emotional processing, encourage psychological and spiritual growth, improve the quality of life, and reduce the chances of remission. The research has been carried out in Budapest at the Radiology Diagnostic Department of the National Oncology Institute, involving 173 women treated for malignant breast tumour (C50) (experimental group: n=86, control group: n=87). Thirty-four women from the experimental group participated in the complex intervention program. We carried out two tests: one before the start and one after the end of the program. Research tools: Shortened Beck Depression Inventory, Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30, QLQ-BR23), Spielberger’s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-T), the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R), the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, and the Benefit Finding Questionnaire. The women participating the experimental program showed a significant positive change in comparison to the control group: in anxiety F (1, 65)=6.021, p=0.017; in depression: F(1, 72)=4.347, p=0.041; in experience of personal control: F(1, 69)=7.346, p=0.008; in EORTC General Health/Quality of Life Subscale F(1, 78)=7.531, p=0.008; in EORTC physical functioning F(1, 78)=4.874, p=0.014; in EORTC fatigue F(1, 78)=15.060, p=0.000; in BR23 body-image F(1, 79)=8.828, p=0.004; in BR23 arm symptoms F(1, 78)=7.229, p=0.009; in benefit finding F(1, 80)=21.171, p=0.000, and in posttraumatic growth F(1, 31)=24.186, p=0.000). The program has proven effective, its widespread use in practice is recommended.
HubMed – depression
Anatomical brain images alone can accurately diagnose chronic neuropsychiatric illnesses.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
PLoS One. 2012; 7(12): e50698
Bansal R, Staib LH, Laine AF, Hao X, Xu D, Liu J, Weissman M, Peterson BS
Diagnoses using imaging-based measures alone offer the hope of improving the accuracy of clinical diagnosis, thereby reducing the costs associated with incorrect treatments. Previous attempts to use brain imaging for diagnosis, however, have had only limited success in diagnosing patients who are independent of the samples used to derive the diagnostic algorithms. We aimed to develop a classification algorithm that can accurately diagnose chronic, well-characterized neuropsychiatric illness in single individuals, given the availability of sufficiently precise delineations of brain regions across several neural systems in anatomical MR images of the brain.We have developed an automated method to diagnose individuals as having one of various neuropsychiatric illnesses using only anatomical MRI scans. The method employs a semi-supervised learning algorithm that discovers natural groupings of brains based on the spatial patterns of variation in the morphology of the cerebral cortex and other brain regions. We used split-half and leave-one-out cross-validation analyses in large MRI datasets to assess the reproducibility and diagnostic accuracy of those groupings.In MRI datasets from persons with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Schizophrenia, Tourette Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, or persons at high or low familial risk for Major Depressive Disorder, our method discriminated with high specificity and nearly perfect sensitivity the brains of persons who had one specific neuropsychiatric disorder from the brains of healthy participants and the brains of persons who had a different neuropsychiatric disorder.Although the classification algorithm presupposes the availability of precisely delineated brain regions, our findings suggest that patterns of morphological variation across brain surfaces, extracted from MRI scans alone, can successfully diagnose the presence of chronic neuropsychiatric disorders. Extensions of these methods are likely to provide biomarkers that will aid in identifying biological subtypes of those disorders, predicting disease course, and individualizing treatments for a wide range of neuropsychiatric illnesses.
HubMed – depression
Vasopressin Inhibits LTP in the CA2 Mouse Hippocampal Area.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
PLoS One. 2012; 7(12): e49708
Chafai M, Corbani M, Guillon G, Desarménien MG
Growing evidence points to vasopressin (AVP) as a social behavior regulator modulating various memory processes and involved in pathologies such as mood disorders, anxiety and depression. Accordingly, AVP antagonists are actually envisaged as putative treatments. However, the underlying mechanisms are poorly characterized, in particular the influence of AVP on cellular or synaptic activities in limbic brain areas involved in social behavior. In the present study, we investigated AVP action on the synapse between the entorhinal cortex and CA2 hippocampal pyramidal neurons, by using both field potential and whole-cell recordings in mice brain acute slices. Short application (1 min) of AVP transiently reduced the synaptic response, only following induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) by high frequency stimulation (HFS) of afferent fibers. The basal synaptic response, measured in the absence of HFS, was not affected. The Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapse was not affected by AVP, even after LTP, while the Schaffer collateral-CA2 synapse was inhibited. Although investigated only recently, this CA2 hippocampal area appears to have a distinctive circuitry and a peculiar role in controlling episodic memory. Accordingly, AVP action on LTP-increased synaptic responses in this limbic structure may contribute to the role of this neuropeptide in controlling memory and social behavior.
HubMed – depression

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