Corrosive Oesophageal Injuries: A Preventable Menace.
Corrosive oesophageal injuries: a preventable menace.
Pan Afr Med J. 2013; 15: 11
Adedeji TO, Tobih JE, Olaosun AO, Sogebi OA
Potentially catastrophic presentations and lifelong complications resulting from corrosive ingestions in humans is one of the most challenging situations encountered in clinical medical practice. This study reviewed pattern, mechanisms and associated socio-medical challenges with ingestion of corrosive agents as seen in a tertiary health institution in South-western Nigeria.A retrospective review of all patients that were managed for corrosive ingestion at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria, over a seven year period.A total of 28 patients M:F: 1.6:1. There were 7 children and 21 adults. Majority (78.6%) of the patients ingested alkaline substances. Accidental ingestion occurred in 28.6% while 71.4% resulted from deliberate self harm especially among adults (66.7%). Almost two thirds (64.3%) of the patients presented after 48hrs of ingestion. Patients who presented early were managed conservatively. Most patients (64.3%) who presented late had nutritional and fluid rehabilitation. Two patients died from oesophageal perforation and resulting septicaemia. Psychiatric evaluation revealed that seven adults (25%) had psychotic illness while (42.9%) of the patients developed oesophageal strictures. Short segment strictures were managed with oesophageal dilatation with good outcome while long and multiple segment strictures were referred to cardiothoracic surgeons for management.Corrosive oesophageal injuries remain a prevalent and preventable condition in the developing countries. Preventive strategies should include regulation and packaging of corrosive substances, organization of psychiatric services, and education of the population on corrosive ingestion. HubMed – rehab
Predicting patient-reported stroke outcomes: a validation of the six simple variable prognostic model.
Cerebrovasc Dis Extra. 2013 Jan; 3(1): 97-102
Teale E, Young J, Dennis M, Sheldon T
Case-mix represents the range of disease severity and baseline characteristics that may be the cause of variation in outcomes between individuals and populations. Adjustment for case-mix is therefore important to allow meaningful comparison of healthcare outcomes. The best available case-mix adjustment model for stroke (the Six Simple Variable [SSV] model) was developed to adjust the hard endpoints of independent survival, survival and alive and living at home. There is increasing interest in the measurement of patient-reported outcomes through self-completed questionnaires, though there are currently no robust adjustment models for any such outcome. We aimed to determine whether the SSV prognostic model derived to predict 6-month post-stroke independent survival has wider utility in case-mix adjustment of a patient-reported functional outcome measure, the Subjective Index of Physical and Social Outcome (SIPSO), collected by post 6 months after stroke onset.We examined data from 176 patients admitted following an acute stroke and recruited into a prospective cohort study in three participating acute hospitals in Yorkshire, UK. Patients in receipt of palliative care or with transient ischaemic attack were excluded. Using the beta coefficients from the published SSV model to predict independent survival, individual probabilities of ‘good’ outcome as measured with the dichotomised SIPSO collected by post 6 months after stroke onset were calculated. The ability of the SSV case-mix adjustment model to discriminate patients with ‘good’ over ‘poor’ outcome was assessed through calculation of C statistics. Correct predictions were visualised with calibration plots.The C statistics for the SSV model to predict the physical and social subscales of the SIPSO outcome measure were 0.73 (95% CI 0.65-0.79) and 0.66 (0.58-0.82), respectively. Inclusion of patients who died prior to follow-up and ascribing them a score of 0 improved the discrimination (0.76 [0.70-0.82] and 0.70 [0.64-0.76], respectively). Calibration plots demonstrated a tendency to over-optimistic predictions, although confidence limits were wide.The SSV model predicts adequately the physical component of the SIPSO patient-reported outcome measure and may be useful to adjust this outcome for case-mix following stroke in survivors to follow-up. This could be of benefit in observational studies, stratified randomisation for trials, and in comparison of between-institution clinical trials. Further exploration of the generalizability of the model to adjust other patient-reported stroke outcomes may be warranted. HubMed – rehab
Visual and refractive outcomes after cataract surgery with implantation of a new toric intraocular lens.
Case Rep Ophthalmol. 2013 May; 4(2): 48-56
Mazzini C
The aim of this study was to evaluate and report the visual, refractive and aberrometric outcomes of cataract surgery with implantation of the new aspheric Tecnis ZCT toric intraocular lens (IOL) in eyes with low to moderate corneal astigmatism.We conducted a prospective study of 19 consecutive eyes of 17 patients (mean age: 78 years) with a visually significant cataract and moderate corneal astigmatism [higher than 1 diopter (D)] undergoing cataract surgery with implantation of the aspheric Tecnis ZCT toric IOL (Abbott Medical Optics). Visual, refractive and aberrometric changes were evaluated during a 6-month follow-up. Ocular aberrations as well as IOL rotation were evaluated by means of the OPD-Station II (Nidek).The six-month postoperative spherical equivalent and power vector components of the refractive cylinder were within ±0.50 D in all eyes (100%). Postoperative logMAR uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuities (UDVA/CDVA) were 0.1 (about 20/25) or better in almost all eyes (94.74%). The mean logMAR CDVA improved significantly from 0.41 ± 0.23 to 0.02 ± 0.05 (p < 0.01). No significant changes were found in corneal astigmatism (p = 0.73). The mean IOL rotation was 3.33 ± 1.94°. This parameter did not correlate with higher-order aberrations (r = -0.09, p = 0.73). A significant improvement in the Strehl ratio was also observed (p < 0.01), which was consistent with the significant reduction in higher-order aberrations (p = 0.02).Cataract surgery with implantation of the aspheric Tecnis ZCT IOL is a predictable and effective procedure for visual rehabilitation in eyes with cataract and low to moderate corneal astigmatism, providing an excellent postoperative ocular optical quality. HubMed – rehab
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