Dealing With Depression & Anxiety
Dealing with Depression & Anxiety – A video blog that I hope will help people dealing with depression and anxiety disorder. I dealt with my own personal demons in the past and I hope that other people watching this will be inspired to help themselves and gain a new perspective on their issues. It’s important to recognize that your not alone and that their are people, services, organizations and professionals who can help you. Talk to your friends and family and your doctor and remember that you are a significant person who deserves to be happy and deserves to get the most out of life. Be strong.
Robert Pattinson reveals struggle with depression, career anxiety
Filed under: depression anxiety
“Twilight” star Robert Pattinson may seem like he has everything, but the hunky Brit recently revealed his two year struggle with depression, and career anxiety, Perez Hilton reported on Nov. 8. Rob says that he had a hard time adjusting to fame. "I …
Depression/Anxiety Supplements while TTC and Pregnant
Filed under: depression anxiety
and some supplements to curb anxiety and depression (5-htp, St. John's Wort, L-theanine and inositol). This plan works really well for me where drugs have not; it's possible that the benefit outweighs the risk here… but I can't seem to figure out …
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Can Keeping Things Simple Reduce Holiday Depression?
Filed under: depression anxiety
“The body's response to having that high anxiety and stress is just to go the opposite direction and go into depression, at some point in time trying to counter what is going on.” Mr. Imhoff continued to point out the necessity to analyze the …
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