Depression in Geriatric Population
Depression in Geriatric Population – The video is about the Depression in Geriatric age. According to the National Institutes of Health, of the 35 million Americans age 65 or older, about 2 million suffer from full-blown depression. It affects nearly 1in 10 adults each year. The incidence is twice as many in woman as men. Depression is common in older people and it is fully treatable disease (American Psychiatric Association 2005). Only 10% receive treatment for depression. This is likely because the symptoms of depression in the elderly are often confused with the effects of multiple illnesses and the medicines used to treat them. Our target audience is the younger generation who can help the aged to cope up with their depression. This aims towards creating awareness among the youth for helping the aged to reduce their loneliness and depression. We recommend that more younger people should voluntaries to talk with the depressed elderly and make them feel better. We should provide them emotional support by talking to them, taking them out for dinner or a walk, encouraging the elderly to take the treatment. Thank you Terry for his kind support
Elderly need better mental health care
Filed under: elderly depression
Dr Simpson said: “Depression in the elderly is estimated to have a prevalence of around 13.4 per cent and is predicted by the World Health Organisation to be the second highest health burden in the western world by 2020, and is strongly linked to …
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Maria Genne's Kairos Dance brings movement to the elderly
Filed under: elderly depression
But as she grew older, Genné began looking at how she could create dance in which everyone felt welcome, and how music and storytelling could be used to stimulate the minds and bodies of the elderly in ways modern science is only beginning to fully …
Read more on Minnesota Public Radio
Tips for Caregivers During Heart Health Month
Filed under: elderly depression
In their roles assisting in the daily lives of elderly family members–which can include feeding, bathing, dressing and chauffeuring on errands and doctor's appointments–caregivers often experience a considerable amount of stress that can have a …
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