Depression Treatment: Attention and Memory Biases as Stable Abnormalities Among Currently Depressed and Currently Remitted Individuals With Unipolar Depression.
Attention and memory biases as stable abnormalities among currently depressed and currently remitted individuals with unipolar depression.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Front Psychiatry. 2012; 3: 99
Gupta R, Kar BR
Background: In the present study, we explored the possibility of the stability of attention bias and memory bias in currently remitted individuals with unipolar depression compared to currently depressed individuals with unipolar depression and never-depressed individuals. Methods: The Emotional Stroop and autobiographical memory task (AMT) were administered on 10 participants, who were currently depressed, currently remitted with unipolar depression, or never-depressed. In the emotional Stroop task (EST), the respondent’s task was to indicate the color of the ink of the positive, negative, and neutral words by selecting one of a series of colored blocks. In the AMT, participants were presented with positive, negative, and neutral cue words. For each word, they were asked to report specific events from their life. Results: Both the attention bias and memory bias exist in both the clinical groups. In EST, both currently depressed and currently remitted groups were slower to respond to negative words compared to neutral words. Unlike EST, in AMT both currently depressed and currently remitted groups were slower to respond to positive words compared to neutral words. Interestingly, the capacity to generate specific events for negative events was higher in both currently depressed and currently remitted groups. They were over-general in their memories of positive events. Importantly, the never-depressed group was specific in their memories of both positive and negative events of their life. Conclusion: Our findings provide evidence for the stable existence of attention and memory bias in currently remitted individuals. This study has implications for the cognitive behavior therapy for depression to include modules to resolve the attention and memory bias toward negative thought and content, and to build strategies to overcome such biases.
HubMed – depression
Esuba: A Psychoeducation Group for Incarcerated Survivors of Abuse.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol. 2012 Nov 26;
Roe-Sepowitz DE, Bedard LE, Pate KN, Hedberg EC
This study examined the effects associated with a trauma and abuse-focused psychoeducation group for incarcerated women on decreasing trauma symptoms. A total of 320 women participated in 34 groups in five prisons that followed a manualized intervention. A one-group pretest-posttest design was used to examine changes on 10 Trauma Symptom Inventory subscales (Anxious Arousal, Depression, Anger/Irritability, Intrusive Experiences, Defensive Avoidance, Dissociation, Sexual Concerns, Dysfunctional Sexual Behavior, Impaired Self-Reference, and Tension Reduction Behavior). Analyses indicated significant improvement on all 10 trauma subscales. Small effect sizes were found on all of the subscales. The findings of this study are encouraging and are the first step toward more rigorous evaluation of this pilot program. These findings provide initial support for the use of group psychoeducation intervention to address traumatic stress symptoms with incarcerated women.
HubMed – depression
Body dissatisfaction during pregnancy: A systematic review of cross-sectional and prospective correlates.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
J Health Psychol. 2012 Nov 27;
Fuller-Tyszkiewicz M, Skouteris H, Watson BE, Hill B
This article systematically reviews the literature pertaining to correlates of body dissatisfaction during pregnancy. A total of 8 electronic databases were searched and 251 papers identified, 56 of which met inclusion criteria. Full text scrutiny of these papers reduced the final list of reviewed papers to 22. Results of the review highlight that psychological factors were associated with body dissatisfaction during pregnancy, and noted the surfeit of studies examining the relationship was between body dissatisfaction and depression. It is concluded that the prevention of heightened body dissatisfaction during the reproductive phase will only be effective when models of risk factors have been examined systematically and rigorously.
HubMed – depression
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