Depression Treatment: Bilateral Acute Necrosis of the Globi Pallidi and Rhabdomyolysis Due to Combined Methadone and Benzodiazepine Toxicity.
Bilateral Acute Necrosis of the Globi Pallidi and Rhabdomyolysis Due to Combined Methadone and Benzodiazepine Toxicity.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2013 Jan 28;
Corliss RF, Mandal R, Soriano BJ
ABSTRACT: Methadone continues to be a widely used maintenance therapy for opiate dependence. However, methadone-related deaths have been reported frequently for over 4 decades now. Anoxic brain injury with pulmonary edema secondary to respiratory depression is the recognized mechanism of methadone death, although pathological intracranial findings are rarely described in methadone deaths. A selective area of brain injury has never been reported with methadone use. We present a case of a 23-year-old man who had acute necrosis of the bilateral globi pallidi in the brain and systemic rhabdomyolysis after ingesting methadone and nasally insufflating alprazolam. We also present a review of the literature on deaths following opioid use and associated brain injury.
HubMed – depression
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Acad Med. 2013 Feb; 88(2): 215
Soskin DP
Stressors, resources, and stress responses in pregnant african american women: a mixed-methods pilot study.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2013 Jan; 27(1): 81-96
Giurgescu C, Kavanaugh K, Norr KF, Dancy BL, Twigg N, McFarlin BL, Engeland CG, Hennessy MD, White-Traut RC
This research aimed to develop an initial understanding of the stressors, stress responses, and personal resources that impact African American women during pregnancy, potentially leading to preterm birth. Guided by the ecological model, a prospective, mixed-methods, complementarity design was used with 11 pregnant women and 8 of their significant others. Our integrated analysis of quantitative and qualitative data revealed 2 types of stress responses: high stress responses (7 women) and low stress responses (4 women). Patterns of stress responses were seen in psychological stress and cervical remodeling (attenuation or cervical length). All women in the high stress responses group had high depression and/or low psychological well-being and abnormal cervical remodeling at one or both data collection times. All but 1 woman had at least 3 sources of stress (racial, neighborhood, financial, or network). In contrast, 3 of the 4 women in the low stress responses group had only 2 sources of stress (racial, neighborhood, financial, or network) and 1 had none; these women also reported higher perceived support. The findings demonstrate the importance of periodically assessing stress in African American women during pregnancy, particularly related to their support network as well as the positive supports they receive.
HubMed – depression

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