Depression Treatment: Bupropion and Citalopram in the APP23 Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Study in a Dry-Land Maze.
Bupropion and Citalopram in the APP23 Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Study in a Dry-Land Maze.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2012; 2012: 673584
Neumeister KL, Riepe MW
Background. Incipient Alzheimer’s disease is often disguised as depressive disorder. Over the course of AD, depressive symptoms are even more frequent. Hence, treatment with antidepressants is common in AD. It was the goal of the present study to assess whether two common antidepressants with different mechanisms of action affect spatial learning in a transgenic animal model of Alzheimer’s disease. Methods. We assessed spatial memory of male wild-type and B6C3-Tg(APPswe,PSEN1dE9)85Dbo (APP23) transgenic animals in a complex dry-land maze. Animals were treated with citalopram (10?mg/kg) and bupropion (20?mg/kg). Results. Moving and resting time until finding the goal zone decreased in 4.5-month-old sham-treated wild-type animals and, to a lesser extent, in APP23 animals. Compared with sham-treated APP23 animals, treatment with bupropion reduced resting time and increased speed. On treatment with citalopram, moving and resting time were unchanged but speed decreased. Length of the path to the goal zone did not change on either bupropion or citalopram. Conclusion. Bupropion increases psychomotor activity in APP23 transgenic animals, while citalopram slightly reduces psychomotor activity. Spatial learning per se is unaffected by treatment with either bupropion or citalopram.
HubMed – depression
Gender differences in dementia spousal caregiving.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Int J Alzheimers Dis. 2012; 2012: 162960
Pöysti MM, Laakkonen ML, Strandberg T, Savikko N, Tilvis RS, Eloniemi-Sulkava U, Pitkälä KH
The proportion of male caregivers is rapidly increasing. However, there are few large scale studies exploring gender differences in the burden or coping with caregiving. We investigated this among caregivers of patients with dementia. The study cohort consisted of 335 dyads of wife-husband couples from two studies including dementia patients and their spousal caregivers. Baseline mini-mental state examination (MMSE), clinical dementia rating scale (CDR), neuropsychiatric inventory (NPI), cornell depression scale and charlson comorbidity index (CCI) were used to describe patients with dementia, Zarit burden scale and geriatric depression scale were used to measure experienced burden and depression of caregivers. Mean age of caregivers was 78 years. There were no differences in depression, satisfaction with life, or loneliness according to caregivers’ gender. Male caregivers had more comorbidities than females (CCI 1.9 versus 1.1, P < 0.001), and the wives of male caregivers had a more severe stage of dementia than husbands of female caregivers (CDR, P = 0.048; MMSE14.0 versus 17.7, P < 0.001). However, the mean Zarit burden scale was significantly lower among male than female caregivers (31.5 versus 37.5; P < 0.001). Lower education of male caregivers tended to be associated with less experienced burden. In conclusion, male caregivers of dementia experienced lower burden than female caregivers despite care recipients' more severe disease. HubMed – depression
Asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis in a patient with major depressive disorder.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Case Rep Psychiatry. 2012; 2012: 261251
Ishida T, Katagiri T, Uchida H, Suzuki T, Watanabe K, Mimura M
Pulmonary embolism is a serious, life-threatening condition and most commonly derives from deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities. Once deep vein thrombosis (DVT) reaches a proximal vein (i.e., popliteal vein or higher), pulmonary embolism reportedly occurs in up to 50% of patients. Case Presentation. We report on an inpatient with major depressive disorder in a catatonic state in whom an asymptomatic proximal deep vein thrombosis of 11 × 70?mm was detected through routine screening, using doppler ultrasound scanning. Anticoagulant therapy was immediately started and continued for three months, which resulted in resolution of the deep vein thrombosis. Discussion. To our knowledge, this is the first description of asymptomatic proximal DVT that was detected in a psychiatric inpatient setting. In light of the reported causal relationship between DVT and pulmonary embolism, screening for DVT can be of high clinical value in patients with psychiatric disorders, especially when their physical activity is highly compromised.
HubMed – depression
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