Can You Go Into Rehab Just for Depression?
Question by Brianna: Can you go into rehab just for depression?
I cant even take my depression anymore. I’m never ever ever happy. No one is all the time but I never am. I’m either “functioning” or really… Continue reading
Inpatient Depression Clinics?
Question by Canteloupe:D: Inpatient depression clinics?
What are some affordable inpatient depression clinics for teenagers? Preferably in Maryland or Virginia. Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Cole Miller at your service
If you have good insurance you shouldn’t have to pay… Continue reading
Growing Evidence That a Party Drug Can Help Severe Depression
Growing Evidence That A Party Drug Can Help Severe Depression
Teens call it "Special K," a club drug that produces hallucinatory, out-of-body effects. But evidence is mounting that it's also a fast-acting treatment for patients with severe depression. The latest… Continue reading
Chuck Norris on Natural Remedies for Depression
Chuck Norris on natural remedies for depression
I am generally pretty optimistic but am finding it difficult to pull up from my depression lately. I'm not against antidepressants, but I'd just like to try a few natural remedies before I… Continue reading
From the Editor's Desk
From the Editor's desk
Red Beard searches for better ways of preventing illness and treating patients; he is armed only with case studies and personal experience as the scientific method, with no functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) or other imaging… Continue reading
New Knik Arm Bridge Measure Gets Boost in Legislature
New Knik Arm bridge measure gets boost in Legislature
"It was in the middle of the Depression that they built the bridges and the dams in America, and I think that was very farsighted," Kelly said. "If I find myself… Continue reading
Party Drug Ketamine Could Help Treat Severe Depression– Research
Party drug Ketamine could help treat severe depression– research
Researchers who tested the drug on 28 people with major depressive disorder found ketamine quickly helped relieve the condition for some – and made a number of them completely well… Continue reading
Starting HIV Treatment Amidst Anger and Depression
Starting HIV Treatment Amidst Anger and Depression
It's never an easy decision when it comes to treatment. I wasn't even sure I could accept that I was HIV positive. So many aspects of my life felt — and were —… Continue reading