Depression Treatment: Effect of Comorbidity on Treatment of Anxious Children and Adolescents: Results From a Large, Combined Sample.
Effect of comorbidity on treatment of anxious children and adolescents: results from a large, combined sample.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2013 Jan; 52(1): 47-56
Rapee RM, Lyneham HJ, Hudson JL, Kangas M, Wuthrich VM, Schniering CA
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the influence of comorbid disorders on the degree of change and the endpoint of cognitive-behavioral treatment in anxious young people.Data on 750 children 6 to 18 years old were compiled from different samples within one clinic. All children had a primary anxiety disorder and were engaged in a manual-based, 10-session, cognitive-behavioral treatment program. Outcome was determined according to diagnostic status and continuous symptom measurements. Analyses compared results among four groups: no comorbidity, comorbid anxiety disorders, comorbid externalizing disorders, comorbid mood disorders. All analyses were intent-to-treat analyses.Children with comorbid depression were the least likely to be free of their primary anxiety diagnosis at the end of treatment and follow-up. According to child and maternal reports, symptoms of anxiety decreased similarly over time in all groups, but children with comorbid mood disorders scored significantly highest at all time points. Examining the effects of anxiety treatment on comorbid disorders showed that comorbid mood disorders, but not externalizing disorders, decreased significantly over time.The existence of comorbid disorders does not appear to affect the rate or extent of response to cognitive-behavioral treatment for child anxiety. However, comorbidity has a marked influence on the endpoint of treatment. Children with nonanxiety comorbidity and especially with comorbid mood disorders exhibit greater severity at the outset and remain worse after treatment. On the positive side, treatment for anxiety disorders appears to decrease comorbid mood disorders, although it has less effect on comorbid externalizing disorders.
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Parent report of binge eating in Hispanic, African American and Caucasian youth.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Eat Behav. 2013 Jan; 14(1): 1-6
Elliott CA, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Mirza NM
Binge eating is prevalent among weight loss treatment-seeking youth. However, there are limited data on the relationship between binge eating and weight in racial or ethnically diverse youth. We therefore examined 409 obese (BMI?95th percentile for age and sex) treatment-seeking Hispanic (29.1%), Caucasian (31.7%), and African American (39.2%), boys and girls (6-18years). Weight, height, waist circumference, and body fat were measured to assess body composition. Depressive symptoms were measured with the Children’s Depression Inventory and disordered eating cognitions were measured with the Children’s Eating Attitudes Test. Accounting for age, sex, body fat mass, and height, the odds of parents reporting that their child engaged in binge eating were significantly higher among Caucasian compared to African American youth, with Hispanic youth falling non-significantly between these two groups. Youth with binge eating had greater body adiposity (p=.02), waist circumference (p=.02), depressive symptoms (p=.01), and disordered eating attitudes (p=.04), with no difference between racial or ethnic group. We conclude that, regardless of race or ethnicity, binge eating is prevalent among weight loss treatment-seeking youth and is associated with adiposity and psychological distress. Further research is required to elucidate the extent to which binge eating among racially and ethnically diverse youth differentially impacts weight loss outcome.
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Evaluation of intrapsychic processes, anxiety, and depression in postmenopausal women affected by breast cancer: a case-control study.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Support Care Cancer. 2012 Dec 21;
Vespa A, Ottaviani M, Rosselli M, Rossini S, Balducci L
BACKGROUND: The study of intrapsychic modalities can help to understand the association between depression and breast cancer patients and what kind of intervention can be planned. There is evidence that breast cancer is associated with the development of depression. The study of intrapsychic modalities may explain this association. Therefore, we aimed at investigating the intrapsychic and interpersonal processes of the structure of personality, anxiety, and depression of postmenopause breast cancer women. METHODS: All participants (n?=?63) underwent the following tests: SASB questionnaire (Structural Analysis of Interpersonal Behavior), describing intrapsychic and interpersonal processes, validated on the basis of DSMIV, and the CDQ and ASQ questionnaires describing depression and anxiety. We compared two groups: breast cancer (n?=?63) and a healthy control group of women without cancer (n?=?83). RESULTS: Patients with breast cancer presented medium to high levels of anxiety and depression and intrapsychic level showed that they had less autonomy in their choices with low acceptance of their own feelings and tendency to be depressed compared to the control group (Cl 1 autonomy F?=?10.21, p?0.05, Cl 2 autonomy and love F?=?13.01, p?0.001, Cl 3 love F?=?10.50, p?0.01, Cl 5 control F?=?6.44, p?0.05, Cl 6 control and hate F?=?4.49, p?0.05, ASQ F?=?6.07, p?0.05, and CDQ F?=?6.24, p?0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Intrapsychic characteristics such as tendency to depression, inability to being in contact with their own feelings, may be linked to difficulties in facing treatment and their condition of illness. Knowledge of these modalities could allow to plan a psychotherapeutic and multidisciplinary intervention aimed at facing the different phases of medical treatment. HubMed – depression treatment

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