Depression Treatment: Inbreeding and Outbreeding Depression in Stylidium Hispidum: Implications for Mixing Seed Sources for Ecological Restoration.
Inbreeding and outbreeding depression in Stylidium hispidum: implications for mixing seed sources for ecological restoration.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Ecol Evol. 2012 Sep; 2(9): 2262-73
Hufford KM, Krauss SL, Veneklaas EJ
The benefits of composite rather than local seed provenances for ecological restoration have recently been argued, largely on the basis of maximizing evolutionary potential. However, these arguments have downplayed the potentially negative consequences of outbreeding depression once mixed provenances interbreed. In this study, we compared intraspecific F1 hybrid performance and molecular marker differentiation among four populations of Stylidium hispidum, a species endemic to Southwestern Australia. Multivariate ordination of 134 AFLP markers analyzed genetic structure and detected two clusters of paired sites that diverged significantly for marker variation along a latitudinal boundary. To test for outbreeding depression and to determine the consequences of molecular population divergence for hybrid fitness, we conducted controlled pollinations and studied germination and survival for three cross categories (within-population crosses, short- and long-distance F1 hybrids) for paired sites distributed within and between the two genetically differentiated regions. We found evidence of outbreeding depression in long-distance hybrids (111-124 km), and inbreeding depression among progeny of within-population crosses, relative to short-distance (3-10 km) hybrids, suggesting an intermediate optimal outcrossing distance in this species. These results are discussed in light of the evolutionary consequences of mixing seed sources for biodiversity restoration.
HubMed – depression
Assessment scales in dementia.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 2012 Nov; 5(6): 349-58
Sheehan B
Dementia involves progressive and often remorseless decline in cognition, function, behaviour and care needs. Assessment in dementia relies on collateral as well as patient-derived information. Many assessment scales have been developed over decades for use in dementia research and care. These scales are used to reduce uncertainty in decision making, for example in screening for cognitive impairment, making diagnoses of dementia and monitoring change. Ideal scales used in dementia should demonstrate face validity and concurrent validity against gold standard assessments, should be reliable, practical, and should rely on objective rather than subjective information. Assessment scales in the domains of cognition, function, behaviour, quality of life, depression in dementia, carer burden and overall dementia severity are reviewed in this article. The practical use of these scales in clinical practice and in research is discussed.
HubMed – depression
The Role of Masculine Norms and Informal Support on Mental Health in Incarcerated Men.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Psychol Men Masc. 2012 Jul; 13(3): 283-293
Iwamoto DK, Gordon D, Oliveros A, Perez-Cabello A, Brabham T, Lanza S, Dyson W
Mental health problems, in general, and major depression in particular, are prevalent among incarcerated men. It is estimated that 23% of state inmates report experiencing symptoms of major depression. Despite the high rates of depressive symptoms, there is little understanding about the psychosocial factors that are associated with depressive and anxiety symptoms of incarcerated men. One factor relevant to the mental health of incarcerated men is their adherence to traditional masculine norms. We investigated the role of masculine norms and informal support on depressive and anxiety symptoms among 123 incarcerated men. The results revealed that adherence to the masculine norm of emotional control were negatively associated with depressive symptoms while heterosexual presentation and informal support were related to both depressive and anxiety symptoms. High levels of reported informal support moderated the effects of heterosexual presentation on depressive and anxiety symptoms. Public health and clinical implications are discussed.
HubMed – depression
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