Depression Treatment: Phosphoinositide-Specific Phospholipase C ?1 Gene Deletion in Bipolar Disorder Affected Patient.
Phosphoinositide-specific Phospholipase C ?1 gene deletion in bipolar disorder affected patient.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
J Cell Commun Signal. 2012 Nov 17;
Lo Vasco VR, Longo L, Polonia P
The involvement of phosphoinositides (PI) signal transduction pathway and related molecules, such as the Phosphoinositide-specific Phospholipase C (PI-PLC) enzymes, in the pathophysiology of mood disorders is corroborated by a number of recent evidences. Our previous works identified the deletion of PLCB1 gene, which codifies for the PI-PLC ?1 enzyme, in 4 out 15 patients affected with schizophrenia, and no deletion both in major depression affected patients and in normal controls. By using interphase fluorescent in situ hybridization methodology, we analyzed PLCB1 in paraffin embedded samples of orbito-frontal cortex of 15 patients affected with bipolar disorder. Deletion of PLCB1 was identified in one female patient.
HubMed – depression
Association Between Housing Quality and Individual Health Characteristics on Sleep Quality Among Latino Farmworkers.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
J Immigr Minor Health. 2012 Nov 18;
Sandberg JC, Talton JW, Quandt SA, Chen H, Weir M, Doumani WR, Chatterjee AB, Arcury TA
Although poor sleep quality and associated sleep disorders are associated with increased risk of job injury and multiple mental and physical health problems, scant research has examined sleep quality among Latino farmworkers. Interviews were conducted with 371 male Latino farmworkers working in North Carolina during the 2010 agricultural season. Data on housing quality and sleep quality were collected. Access to air conditioning was significantly and positively associated with good sleep quality. This association remained when other housing characteristics and individual health indicators were controlled. Good sleep quality was associated with low levels of pain, depression, and anxiety. Poor sleep quality among Latino farmworkers was associated with poorer indicators of health. One important indicator of housing quality, air conditioning, was associated with better sleep quality. Further research is required to delineate how to improve the adequacy of farmworker housing to improve sleep quality and other health indicators.
HubMed – depression
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