Depression Treatment: Quality of Life in Men Undergoing Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer.
Quality of life in men undergoing active surveillance for localized prostate cancer.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr. 2012; 2012(45): 242-9
Bergman J, Litwin MS
Active surveillance is an important arrow in the quiver of physicians advising men with prostate cancer. Quality-of-life considerations are paramount for patient-centered decision making. Although the overall deleterious impact on health is less dramatic than for those who pursue curative treatment, men on active surveillance also suffer sexual dysfunction and distress. Five-year outcomes revealed more erectile dysfunction (80% vs 45%) and urinary leakage (49% vs 21%) but less urinary obstruction (28% vs 44%) in men undergoing prostatectomy. Bowel function, anxiety, depression, well-being, and overall health-related quality of life (HRQOL) were similar after 5 years, but at 6-8 years, other domains of HRQOL, such as anxiety and depression, deteriorated significantly for those who chose watchful waiting. Further research is needed to compare prospectively HRQOL outcomes in men choosing active surveillance and those never diagnosed with prostate cancer, in part to help weigh the potential benefits and harms of prostate cancer screening.
HubMed – depression
Psychiatric morbidity in chinese patients with chronic hepatitis B infection in a local infectious disease clinic.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
East Asian Arch Psychiatry. 2012 Dec; 22(4): 160-8
Chan H, Yu CS, Li SY
OBJECTIVE. To determine the prevalence of psychiatric morbidity, identify correlates of psychiatric morbidities, and evaluate the effectiveness of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire as a screening tool for psychiatric morbidity in Chinese patients infected with chronic hepatitis B. METHODS. This cross-sectional study was conducted in a local public specialist outpatient infectious disease clinic from October 2008 to June 2009, in which a total of 160 patients were randomly selected. Psychiatric diagnoses were established by using the Chinese-Bilingual Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV (Axis I Disorders). Scores for the General Health Questionnaire were compared against the psychiatric diagnoses. RESULTS. Among 149 patients, the respective point prevalence of overall psychiatric disorders, depressive disorders, and anxiety disorders was 32%, 16%, and 14%. A family history of psychiatric disorder and absence of knowledge of mode of hepatitis B virus transmission were identified as being associated with current psychiatric disorders, current depressive disorders, and current anxiety disorders. Absence of a confidant was an independent factor for current depressive disorders and use of herbal medicine in the previous month was an independent factor for current anxiety disorders. CONCLUSIONS. Psychiatric disorders are common in Chinese patients with chronic hepatitis B. Identifying associated factors and using the General Health Questionnaire as a screening tool are useful for identifying patients with psychiatric disorders in an infectious disease clinic.
HubMed – depression
Clinical characteristics of cough mixture abusers referred to three substance abuse clinics in Hong Kong: a retrospective study.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
East Asian Arch Psychiatry. 2012 Dec; 22(4): 154-9
Tang AK, Tang WK, Liang HJ, Chan F, Mak SC, Ungvari GS
OBJECTIVES. Cough mixture is the third most commonly abused substance in patients attending the Prince of Wales Hospital Substance Abuse Clinic. The content of the local cough mixture is not well researched. Paranoid psychosis manifesting as persecutory delusions and derogatory hallucination, as well as mood symptoms, is common in these patients. The natural history and outcome of such psychoses associated with cough mixture abuse are not well known. This study aimed to address these questions. METHODS. This was a retrospective study of cough mixture abuse in Hong Kong. Case records of cough mixture abusers currently receiving treatment at the 3 substance abuse clinics at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, and the North District Hospital were retrieved for data collection. The patients’ demographic data, duration and intake pattern of cough mixture, and use of any other drugs were documented. The presenting psychopathology, first urine toxicology results, diagnosis, treatment, number of hospitalizations, and course of the illness were also recorded. RESULTS. A total of 63 patients with the diagnosis of cough mixture abuse were identified in the database; 89% were male. The mean +/- SD age of the patients was 34.4 +/- 6.2 years; 67% were single and 83% were unemployed. The mean +/- SD age of onset of cough mixture abuse was 20 +/- 5 years. Psychiatric symptoms developed a mean +/- SD of 7.6 +/- 6.0 years after onset of abuse. According to the ICD-10 Mental and Behavioural Disorders criteria, the top psychiatric diagnoses were substance-induced psychotic disorder (67%), schizophrenia (19%), depressive disorder (11%), and dysthymia (10%). The most common ingredients in the urine sample at first presentation were promethazine (75%), pseudoephedrine (67%), codeine (60%), ephedrine (57%), zopiclone (17%), and hydrocodone (16%). Additionally, 16% of patients were in the priority follow-up group. The mean +/- SD follow-up period was 6.2 +/- 7.1 years during which there were 3.2 +/- 3.7 episodes of hospitalizations, with a mean +/- SD length of stay in each admission of 25.0 +/- 40.9 days. CONCLUSIONS. Promethazine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, codeine, and hydrocodone are the most common ingredients of cough mixture abused in this locality. Psychotic disorders are the most frequent psychiatric diagnosis associated with cough mixture abuse.
HubMed – depression
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