Depression Treatment: Widespread Intracranial Calcification, Seizures and Extrapyramidal Manifestations in a Case of Hypoparathyroidism.
Widespread intracranial calcification, seizures and extrapyramidal manifestations in a case of hypoparathyroidism.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
N Am J Med Sci. 2012 Aug; 4(8): 369-72
Rizvi I, Ansari NA, Beg M, Shamim MD
Hypoparathyroidism can present with neurological complaints like seizures, parasthesias, depression, psychosis, extrapyramidal manifestations and features of raised intracranial pressure. Hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism are the most common causes of pathological basal ganglia calcification. A 50 year male presented with generalized seizures and extrapyramidal features like tremors and rigidity. Investigations revealed that he had hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia and very low PTH levels, CT scan of head showed calcification of bilateral basal ganglia, cerebellum and subcortical white matter of frontal and parietal lobes. He showed remarkable recovery on restoration of normal serum calcium levels. Hypoparathyroidism should be kept in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with seizures and extrapyramidal features.
HubMed – depression
The mediating effect of depression between exposure to potentially traumatic events and PTSD in news journalists.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Eur J Psychotraumatol. 2012; 3:
Backholm K, Björkqvist K
News journalists are an occupational group with a unique task at the scene of an unfolding crisis-to collect information and inform the public about the event. By being on location, journalists put themselves at risk for being exposed to the potentially traumatic event.To compare potentially traumatic exposure during work assignments at a crisis scene and in personal life as predictors of the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in news journalists. Further, to investigate the mediating effect of depression between the predictor and predicted variables.With a web-based questionnaire, information from a sample of Finnish news journalists (n=407) was collected. The data collected included details on the range of potentially traumatic assignments (PTAs) at the crisis scene during the past 12 months, lifetime potentially traumatic events (PTEs) in personal life, PTSD symptoms, and level of depression.Approximately 50% of the participants had worked with a PTA during the past 12 months. Depression had a significant indirect effect on the relationship between PTAs at the scene and symptoms of PTSD. A similar result was found regarding the relationship between personal life PTEs and PTSD. Depression had a complete indirect effect in the case of PTAs and a partial indirect effect in regard to PTE exposure in personal life.Exposure to PTAs is common within journalistic work. The results reflect the importance of understanding the underlying mechanisms of the measured symptoms (PTSD, depression) in relation to trauma history. The main limitations of the study include the cross-sectional design and the nature of the instruments used for the collection of work-related trauma history.
HubMed – depression
Quantitative analysis of focused a-to-I RNA editing sites by ultra-high-throughput sequencing in psychiatric disorders.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
PLoS One. 2012; 7(8): e43227
Zhu H, Urban DJ, Blashka J, McPheeters MT, Kroeze WK, Mieczkowski P, Overholser JC, Jurjus GJ, Dieter L, Mahajan GJ, Rajkowska G, Wang Z, Sullivan PF, Stockmeier CA, Roth BL
A-to-I RNA editing is a post-transcriptional modification of single nucleotides in RNA by adenosine deamination, which thereby diversifies the gene products encoded in the genome. Thousands of potential RNA editing sites have been identified by recent studies (e.g. see Li et al, Science 2009); however, only a handful of these sites have been independently confirmed. Here, we systematically and quantitatively examined 109 putative coding region A-to-I RNA editing sites in three sets of normal human brain samples by ultra-high-throughput sequencing (uHTS). Forty of 109 putative sites, including 25 previously confirmed sites, were validated as truly edited in our brain samples, suggesting an overestimation of A-to-I RNA editing in these putative sites by Li et al (2009). To evaluate RNA editing in human disease, we analyzed 29 of the confirmed sites in subjects with major depressive disorder and schizophrenia using uHTS. In striking contrast to many prior studies, we did not find significant alterations in the frequency of RNA editing at any of the editing sites in samples from these patients, including within the 5HT(2C) serotonin receptor (HTR2C). Our results indicate that uHTS is a fast, quantitative and high-throughput method to assess RNA editing in human physiology and disease and that many prior studies of RNA editing may overestimate both the extent and disease-related variability of RNA editing at the sites we examined in the human brain.
HubMed – depression
Depression and Asthma Linked in People Worldwide
Filed under: Depression Treatment
While previous studies have linked asthma and depression, the majority have been conducted in the Western world, including North America, Australia and Europe. Because countries differ in such factors as common asthma treatments and access to health …
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Jesse Jackson Jr. Depression: Jesse Jackson Sr. Discusses Son's Treatment
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Hill asked Jackson whether politics, like the Rod Blagojevich scandal, may have been a trigger for his son's depression. Congressman Jackson is being investigated by the House Ethics Committee because of charges that he raised money for Blagojevich's …
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Study: Creatine Effective in Treating Depression
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Problem: A major roadblock to the successful treatment of major depression is that medical interventions are inexact and slow to elicit change. Antidepressants can take up to eight weeks until any noticeable improvement takes place, and it can take …
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