Detailed Exams Might Benefit Older Cancer Patients

Detailed exams might benefit older cancer patients
The researchers found that patients who scored well on a simple health scale tied to daily activities were actually struggling in other areas especially relevant to the elderly, like cognitive function, depression, social environment, nutrition … Read more on Reuters UK

E-Readers and Tablets Detrimental to Children's Reading Says Study
Children also read slower when staring at screens than they do when reading a paper book, and they retain much less information from screens than they do from paper. When children read with printed books on paper, they read an average of a … Besides … Read more on Guardian Liberty Voice

Roach: Kidney disease may be interstitial nephritis
Dr. Roach: Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is common and frequently is undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Lithium is a very effective … I often begin my searches for good patient information at Dr. Roach … Read more on Alexandria Town Talk

The Depression phone call
this is a video about people that always call you with depression information and you try and stay on the phone, with them but wish you never answered, Let’s…