Dopamine Neurons Are Multi-Neurotransmitter Neurons.
Dopamine neurons are multi-neurotransmitter neurons.
Mov Disord. 2013 Aug 7;
Benoit-Marand M
Naltrexone may block euphoria-like placebo effect.
BMJ Case Rep. 2013; 2013:
Samokhvalov AV, Gamaleddin I, Sproule B, Rehm J
Naltrexone is a first-line treatment for alcohol use disorders in North America and Europe. It was prescribed to a 63-year-old patient in order to help control amounts of alcohol consumed per drinking occasion. The patient experienced a paradoxical, but consistent side effect of feeling inebriated each time he took naltrexone. In order to investigate this phenomenon we administered naltrexone and a placebo in a randomised double-blind fashion. The patient exhibited a ‘high-like’ response to all placebo capsules and a decrease in the subjectively perceived euphoria shortly after ingestion of naltrexone. Given that this placebo effect could be mediated via opioid receptors we suggest that this case illustrates the ability of naltrexone to eliminate the placebo effect. This feature of naltrexone, upon further investigation, might be used in randomised clinical trials in addition to or as an alternative to a placebo. HubMed – addiction
Quetiapine may reduce hospital admission rates in patients with mental health problems and alcohol addiction.
BMJ Case Rep. 2013; 2013:
Kong C, Chiu W, Davies A, Keating J
A 64-year-old man presented with 40 years history of chronic alcohol excess. On average, he had six hospital admissions a year with alcohol-related problems for at least a 10-year period. In 2009, he considered reducing his alcohol intake. He was noted to have mood disturbances, was seen by a psychogeriatrician who diagnosed bipolar disorder. He tried various bipolar medications including lithium and sodium valproate which was unsuccessful. He was then started on quetiapine 600 mg a day in divided doses. Subsequently this has not only controlled the bipolar disorder but also resulted in significant reduction in alcohol intake. He now shares a bottle of wine with his wife while in the past he was consuming a bottle of scotch daily. This case illustrates the benefits of quetiapine in assisting with this man’s addiction to alcohol. HubMed – addiction