Drug Treatment Programs Long Island | Drug Rehab Long Island

Drug Treatment Programs Long Island | Drug Rehab Long Island
http://drugrehablongisland.org Drug, alcohol, and prescription drugs abuse is treated at Drug Treatment Programs Long Island’s residential center in Long Isl…



The long journey from POW to veterans' advocate
Discharged months later at Long Island, N.Y., he sought out a Veterans Administration (VA) hospital to inquire about his benefits. The man … Working for the hospital has even allowed Corre himself to access treatment that he had been missing for decades. Read more on The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.

The Smoking Congresswoman and Her Asbestos Lawsuit
The 69-year-old Democrat from Long Island took a leave from Congress in June to seek treatment at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan. I wish her the best, of course; lung cancer is a tough one. McCarthy has decided to cash in on her … Read more on Businessweek