Eating Behaviors as Predictors of Weight Loss in a 6 Month Weight Loss Intervention.

Eating behaviors as predictors of weight loss in a 6 month weight loss intervention.

Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013 Mar 20;
Batra P, Das SK, Salinardi T, Robinson L, Saltzman E, Scott T, Pittas AG, Roberts SB

OBJECTIVE: To examine associations between eating behavior constructs and weight loss (WL) in a 6-month WL intervention in worksites. DESIGN AND METHODS: A cluster-randomized controlled trial of a group behavioral WL intervention versus wait-listed control was conducted at 4 worksites. Measures included body weight and the eating behavior constructs restraint, disinhibition, hunger and their sub-constructs. Rates of intervention meeting attendance and weight self-monitoring were also quantified. RESULTS: WL was greater in intervention participants than controls (?I=-8.1±6.8 kg, ?C=+0.9±3.6 kg, p<0.001). Between-group analyses showed that the intervention was associated with increased restraint (?I=5.43±4.25, ?C=0.29±3.80, p<0.001), decreased disinhibition (?I=-2.5±3.63, ?C=0.66±1.85, p<0.001) and decreased hunger (?I=-2.79±3.13, ?C=0.56±2.63, p<0.001), and changes in all eating behavior subscales. Greater WL in intervention participants was correlated with higher baseline hunger (r=-0.25, p=0.03), increased restraint (r=-0.35, p=0.001), decreased disinhibition (r=0.26, p=0.02) and decreased hunger (r=0.36, p=0.001). However, in a multiple regression model including rates of meeting attendance and self-monitoring, decreased hunger was the only eating behavior change that predicted weight loss (R(2) =0.57, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Decreased hunger was the strongest predictor of WL in this intervention with relatively high mean WL. Further studies are needed to confirm the central role of hunger management in successful WL. HubMed – eating


Relationship between sexual function and quality of life in obese persons seeking weight reduction.

Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013 Mar 20;
Moore RH, Sarwer DB, Lavenberg JA, Lane IB, Perez JL, Volger S, Wadden TA

OBJECTIVE: This study investigated sexual functioning in persons with obesity and seeking weight loss, and the associations of sexual functioning withrelevant demographic andclinical variables as well as quality of life. DESIGN AND METHODS: Participants were enrolled in a two-year randomizedclinical trial. Participants were obese and had at least two components of metabolic syndrome. Male and female sexual functioning was assessed by the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) and the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) respectively. RESULTS: The rate of female sexual dysfunction was 29%. The rate of erectile dysfunction (ED) was 45%. Of the characteristics considered, FSD was associated with age (p=0.002). ED was significantly associated with age and physical functioning (both p <0.01). CONCLUSIONS: A large minority of patients with obesity reported sexual dysfunction. The occurrence of sexual dysfunction was associated with age, but, surprisingly, not weight-related comorbidities. This may be the result of the nature of the study sample or the methods used to administer the questionnaires that assessed sexual functioning. HubMed – eating


Differential expression and seasonal variation on aquaporins 1 and 9 in the male genital system of big fruit-eating bat Artibeus lituratus.

Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2013 Mar 16;
Oliveira RL, Campolina-Silva GH, Nogueira JC, Mahecha GA, Oliveira CA

Efferent ductules and epididymis are involved in water and solute transport, which is indispensable for storage and maintenance of the sperm viability. The reabsorption process involves proteins such as aquaporins (AQP), which has been described in the male genital system of limited species, including primate, rodents, cats and dogs. To contribute with information about AQPs in the male system, here we investigated the distribution of AQP1 and AQP9 in the tropical bat Artibeus lituratus, along the annual reproductive cycle. A.lituratus is a seasonal breeder with natural variation in components of the androgen and estrogen responsive system, thus being a good model for exploring the AQPs modulation. AQP1 was found restricted to differentiating spermatids, efferent ductules epithelium and venular endothelia along the male tract. AQP9 was detected throughout the epididymis being more abundant in the cauda and ductus deferens, but was not found in testis, rete testis and efferent ductules. Contrasting with AQP1 which appear to be constitutively expressed, there was seasonal variation in AQP9 expression, which was reduced in regressed epididymis. The AQP9 does not appear to be modulated by estradiol or androgens, but possibly by other factor related to luminal sperm. The establishment of specific function for aquaporins in the male tract remains undetermined; however, the cellular distribution presently found are compatible with the main function of AQP1, as a selective water channel, and AQP9, which is a conduct for water and a plethora of neutral solutes present in the epididymis milieu such as glycerol and urea. HubMed – eating



Self Harm and Eating Disorders – Not my best video… I’ll make a better one next time I promise guys 🙂