Eating Disorders: Applying the Health Belief Model to College Students’ Health Behavior.
Applying the Health Belief Model to college students’ health behavior.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
Nutr Res Pract. 2012 Dec; 6(6): 551-8
Kim HS, Ahn J, No JK
The purpose of this research was to investigate how university students‘ nutrition beliefs influence their health behavioral intention. This study used an online survey engine ( to collect data from college students. Out of 253 questionnaires collected, 251 questionnaires (99.2%) were used for the statistical analysis. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) revealed that six dimensions, “Nutrition Confidence,” “Susceptibility,” “Severity,” “Barrier,” “Benefit,” “Behavioral Intention to Eat Healthy Food,” and “Behavioral Intention to do Physical Activity,” had construct validity; Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and composite reliabilities were tested for item reliability. The results validate that objective nutrition knowledge was a good predictor of college students’ nutrition confidence. The results also clearly showed that two direct measures were significant predictors of behavioral intentions as hypothesized. Perceived benefit of eating healthy food and perceived barrier for eat healthy food to had significant effects on Behavioral Intentions and was a valid measurement to use to determine Behavioral Intentions. These findings can enhance the extant literature on the universal applicability of the model and serve as useful references for further investigations of the validity of the model within other health care or foodservice settings and for other health behavioral categories.
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The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Help Evasion.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
Health Educ Behav. 2013 Jan 23;
Persson R, Cleal B, Jakobsen MO, Villadsen E, Andersen LL
Objective. To examine the relationship between self-efficacy and not wanting help to change health behaviors. Method. All employees in the Danish police department were invited to respond to an electronic questionnaire. All respondents expressing a desire to change health behaviors in relation to smoking (n = 845), alcohol (n = 684), eating (n = 4431), and physical activity (n = 5179) and who subsequently responded to questions on self-efficacy were included. Results. Both the bivariate and multiple regression analyses showed that all four specific self-efficacy scores were positively related to reporting that one did not want help. Conclusion. A high belief in one’s own ability to change lifestyle behaviors in relation to smoking, alcohol, eating, and physical activity may lead to avoidance of help offers in a workplace setting.
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The Eating Attitudes Test-26 Revisited using Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2013 Jan 24;
Maïano C, Morin AJ, Lanfranchi MC, Therme P
Most previous studies have failed to replicate the original factor structure of the 26-item version of the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) among community samples of adolescents. The main objective of the present series of four studies (n?=?2178) was to revisit the factor structure of this instrument among mixed gender community samples of adolescents using both exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). First, results from the ESEM analyses provided satisfactory goodness-of-fit statistics and reliability coefficients for a six-factor model of the EAT with 18 items (EAT-18) closely corresponding to the original seven-factor structure proposed for the 40-item version of the EAT. Second, these analyses were satisfactorily replicated among a new sample of community adolescents using CFA. The results confirmed the factor loading and intercept invariance of this model across gender and age groups (i.e., early and late adolescence), as well as the complete invariance of the EAT-18 measurement model between ethnicities (i.e., European versus African origins) and across weight categories (i.e., underweight, normal weight and overweight). Finally, the last study provided support for convergent validity of the EAT-18 with the Eating Disorder Inventory and with instruments measuring global self-esteem, physical appearance, social physique anxiety and fear of negative appearance evaluation.
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Concurrent and Prospective Analyses of Peer, Television and Social Media Influences on Body Dissatisfaction, Eating Disorder Symptoms and Life Satisfaction in Adolescent Girls.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
J Youth Adolesc. 2013 Jan 24;
Ferguson CJ, Muñoz ME, Garza A, Galindo M
The degree to which media contributes to body dissatisfaction, life satisfaction and eating disorder symptoms in teenage girls continues to be debated. The current study examines television, social media and peer competition influences on body dissatisfaction, eating disorder symptoms and life satisfaction in a sample of 237 mostly Hispanic girls. 101 of these girls were reassessed in a later 6-month follow-up. Neither television exposure to thin ideal media nor social media predicted negative outcomes either concurrently nor prospectively with the exception of a small concurrent correlation between social media use and life satisfaction. Social media use was found to contribute to later peer competition in prospective analysis, however, suggesting potential indirect but not direct effects on body related outcomes. Peer competition proved to be a moderate strong predictor of negative outcomes both concurrently and prospectively. It is concluded that the negative influences of social comparison are focused on peers rather than television or social media exposure.
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Life without ED Song – Eating disorders – We chat to Jennie Schaefer about how she overcame her eating disorder which she has written about in her book “Life without ED”(eating Disorder). We find out how others out there can find that freedom too, this video shows her amazing talents as a singer and song writer,where she litterally pours out her heart in this song written by her and another great song writer Judy Rodman © All Rights Reserved To buy your own copy of this song please visit Jennis site Please comment,rate and sub. It takes alot of hard work and time to put these videos and interviews together..Its a nice way to say thank you….
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