Filed under: Eating Disorders

Depress Anxiety. 2012 Jul 19;
Conceição Costa DL, Chagas Assunção M, Arzeno Ferrão Y, Archetti Conrado L, Hajaj Gonzalez C, Franklin Fontenelle L, Fossaluza V, Constantino Miguel E, Rodrigues Torres A, Gedanke Shavitt R

BACKGROUND: The prevalence, sociodemographic aspects, and clinical features of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have been previously addressed in primarily relatively small samples. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional demographic and clinical assessment of 901 OCD patients participating in the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders. We used the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders; Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale; Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (DY-BOCS); Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale; Clinical Global Impression Scale; and Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. RESULTS: The lifetime prevalence of BDD was 12.1%. The individuals with comorbid BDD (OCD-BDD; n = 109) were younger than were those without it. In addition, the proportions of single and unemployed patients were greater in the OCD-BDD group. This group of patients also showed higher rates of suicidal behaviors; mood, anxiety, and eating disorders; hypochondriasis; skin picking; Tourette syndrome; and symptoms of the sexual/religious, aggressive, and miscellaneous dimensions. Furthermore, OCD-BDD patients had an earlier onset of OC symptoms; greater severity of OCD, depression, and anxiety symptoms; and poorer insight. After logistic regression, the following features were associated with OCD-BDD: current age; age at OCD onset; severity of the miscellaneous DY-BOCS dimension; severity of depressive symptoms; and comorbid social phobia, dysthymia, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and skin picking. CONCLUSIONS: Because OCD patients might not inform clinicians about concerns regarding their appearance, it is essential to investigate symptoms of BDD, especially in young patients with early onset and comorbid social anxiety, chronic depression, skin picking, or eating disorders.
HubMed – eating


DSM-5 reduces the proportion of ednos cases: Evidence from community samples.

Filed under: Eating Disorders

Int J Eat Disord. 2012 Jul 20;
Machado PP, Gonçalves S, Hoek HW

OBJECTIVE: Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) constitute the most common eating disorder among those seeking treatment at eating disorder facilities; they are even more common among persons with eating disorders the community. This study compares the impact of applying the revised diagnostic criteria proposed by the DSM-5 workgroup, and the broad categories for the diagnosis of eating disorders (BCD-ED) proposed by Walsh and Sysko on the prevalence of EDNOS. METHOD: In two nationwide epidemiological studies the prevalence of eating disorders among female high school (n = 2,028) and university students (n = 1,020) was examined using DSM-IV criteria. We used a two-stage design, administering a questionnaire in the first stage and an interview in the second stage. RESULTS: In the combined samples 118 cases of eating disorders (DSM-IV) were detected, of which 86 were diagnosed as EDNOS (72.9%). Application of the DSM-5 criteria reduced the number of EDNOS cases to 60 (50.8%) or to 52 (44%), when using a BMI <18.5 as cutoff for "significantly low weight" criterion in AN; with the use of BCD-ED criteria, only 5 (4.2%) cases of EDNOS remained. DISCUSSION: Proposed criteria set for DSM-5 substantially reduce the number of EDNOS cases. However, the BCD-ED scheme further reduces its proportion, almost eliminating it. © 2012 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. (Int J Eat Disord 2012;). HubMed – eating


5-HTTLPR polymorphism in bulimia nervosa: a multiple-model meta-analysis.

Filed under: Eating Disorders

Psychiatr Genet. 2012 Jul 17;
Polsinelli GN, Levitan RN, De Luca V

Several lines of research have found that genes in the serotonergic system may cause susceptibility to eating disorders (EDs). In particular, functional polymorphisms of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) have been suspected to play a role in the pathogenesis of eating disorders. Several studies have examined the association between the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and bulimia nervosa (BN). The results of these investigations have been unclear. The aims of this meta-analysis were to clarify the association between BN and 5-HTTLPR using statistical models not used by previous meta-analyses, and extend upon previous meta-analyses by including new samples. PsychINFO, ISI, and PubMed databases were searched for studies published up to May 2011. Ultimately, six case-control samples were included. Data were pooled using dominant and additive models. Both models showed a nonsignificant association between the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and BN. However, this does not detract from recent research suggesting that the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism may be responsible for the phenotypic variability in the psychopathological symptoms observed in patients with BN. Future research should examine the association of BN with 5-HTTLPR using the recently proposed triallelic model.
HubMed – eating


[Supporting Carers of Persons Suffering from an Eating Disorder.]

Filed under: Eating Disorders

Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol. 2012 Jul 13;
Zitarosa D, de Zwaan M, Pfeffer M, Graap H

The purpose of this article is to describe the background and procedure of a skills training program provided for carers of patients suffering from anorexia or bulimia nervosa. Caring for someone suffering from an eating disorder is associated with psychological distress and may lead to unhelpful interactive behaviours that maintain the illness. Recent investigations in supporting carers, especially skills sharing workshops that target interpersonal maintaining factors are described. A 5-session training concept in teaching basic skills and information about eating disorders to carers in order to improve caregiving burden and reduce interpersonal maintaining factors like expressed emotions (EE) is currently examined in our department. Design and content will be described in detail. Carers’ and sufferers’ perceptions of the impact of the sessions and acceptance of the provided skills training are reported.
HubMed – eating


Distribution and clinical features of Paragonimiasis skrjabini in Three Gorges Reservoir Region.

Filed under: Eating Disorders

Parasitol Int. 2012 Jul 16;
Zhang XL, Wang Y, Wang GX, Chen WB, He X, Niu H, Li ZL, Chen L, Wang LF

Paragonimiasis has previously been reported in the Southwest Provinces of China, including Chongqing and Sichuan. The construction of Three Gorges Dam, which was begun in 1994, has resulted in substantial changes to the depth and the flow pattern of the Yangtze River. To investigate epidemiology of the paragonimiasis, 724 people aged 2-49years were selected and examined for Paragonimus infection by intradermal test (IDT), and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). A survey of eating habits was conducted face-to-face in 5 endemic counties. Freshwater crabs were collected from seven sites in the 5 counties to determine the rate of infection with Paragonimus metacercariae. Additionally, we analysed 213 case reports from the region dated 2006 to 2009. According to the survey results, the prevalence of Paragonimus skrjabini infection in freshwater crab was 39.65%, and the human infection rates detected by IDT and ELISA were 14.36% (104/724) and 7.46% (54/724), respectively. These results show that the Three Gorges Reservoir is still an area of high paragonimiasis endemicity. The water level of the Yangtze River has risen to 175m, and the area of water coverage in the region has increased to 1084km(2). These conditions will favor the growth and expansion of the freshwater crab population.
HubMed – eating


Kantor & Kantor, LLP: Ninth Circuit Issues Final Ruling That Requires Health

Filed under: Eating Disorders

For more information about Lisa Kantor and legal assistance for eating disorders, follow this link: . About Kantor & Kantor, LLP. Kantor & Kantor is one of the largest law firms in the …
Read more on MarketWatch (press release)


Study: Eating disorders found among older women

Filed under: Eating Disorders

Fashion magazines show thin young models. An after-school special shows a teen girl suffering with bulimia. We perceive eating disorders as diseases of the young. It's a false perception, according to new research from UNC-Chapel Hill. The authors …
Read more on McClatchy Washington Bureau


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