Eating Disorders: Prevention Programme for Eating Disturbances in Adolescents. Is Their Effect on Body Image Maintained at 30 Months Later?
Prevention programme for eating disturbances in adolescents. Is their effect on body image maintained at 30 months later?
Filed under: Eating Disorders
Body Image. 2012 Dec 31;
Espinoza P, Penelo E, Raich RM
We assessed changes in the body image of Spanish adolescents who participated in a programme aimed at preventing disordered eating, with a 30-month follow-up. 254 girls and 189 boys aged 12-14 were assigned to a control group (n=201) or one of two possible experimental conditions: media literacy programme (ML, n=143) and media literacy plus nutrition awareness programme (ML+NUT, n=99). Body image was assessed with the Body Image Questionnaire (Qüestionari d’Imatge Corporal; QÜIC). Pre-test, post-test, 7- and 30-month follow-up measurements were taken. Linear model analyses were carried out with a 2×3×3 ANOVA (sex×group×phase), adjusted by the baseline level. At 30-month follow-up, ML and ML+NUT participants showed fewer body problems and more body satisfaction than the control group. There is a need for prevention programmes addressing eating and body image disturbances that involve both boys and girls.
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Relative validity of the Children’s Eating Habits Questionnaire-food frequency section among young European children: the IDEFICS Study.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
Public Health Nutr. 2013 Jan 4; 1-11
Bel-Serrat S, Mouratidou T, Pala V, Huybrechts I, Börnhorst C, Fernández-Alvira JM, Hadjigeorgiou C, Eiben G, Hebestreit A, Lissner L, Molnár D, Siani A, Veidebaum T, Krogh V, Moreno LA
OBJECTIVE: To compare, specifically by age group, proxy-reported food group estimates obtained from the food frequency section of the Children’s Eating Habits questionnaire (CEHQ-FFQ) against the estimates of two non-consecutive 24 h dietary recalls (24-HDR). DESIGN: Estimates of food group intakes assessed via the forty-three-food-group CEHQ-FFQ were compared with those obtained by a computerized 24-HDR. Agreement on frequencies of intakes (equal to the number of portions per recall period) between the two instruments was examined using crude and de-attenuated Pearson’s correlation coefficients, cross-classification analyses, weighted kappa statistics (? w) and Bland-Altman analysis. SETTING: Kindergartens/schools from eight European countries participating in the IDEFICS (Identification and prevention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health EFfects In Children and infantS) Study cross-sectional survey (2007-2008). SUBJECTS: Children aged 2-9 years (n 2508, 50·4 % boys). RESULTS: The CEHQ-FFQ provided higher intake estimates for most of the food groups than the 24-HDR. De-attenuated Pearson correlation coefficients ranged from 0·01 (sweetened fruit) to 0·48 (sweetened milk) in children aged 2-<6 years (mean = 0·25) and from 0·01 (milled cereal) to 0·44 (water) in children aged 6-9 years (mean = 0·23). An average of 32 % and 31 % of food group intakes were assigned to the same quartile in younger and older children, respectively, and classification into extreme opposite quartiles was ?12 % for all food groups in both age groups. Mean ? w was 0·20 for 2-<6-year-olds and 0·17 for 6-9-year-olds. CONCLUSIONS: The strength of association estimates assessed by the CEHQ-FFQ and the 24-HDR varied by food group and by age group. Observed level of agreement and CEHQ-FFQ ability to rank children according to intakes of food groups were considered to be low. HubMed – eating
[A Christmas straw goat astray.]
Filed under: Eating Disorders
Ugeskr Laeger. 2012 Dec 3; 174(49): 3093
Bloch SL, Nielsen HU
A 22-year-old otherwise healthy man presented to our clinic with suspected acute epiglottitis. The patient had a 1-week history of pain in the throat and fever for the latest 24 hours. During the physical examination, the patient mentioned that he had been eating a Christmas straw goat at a party one week previously. Direct fiberoptic laryngoscopy showed a red and swollen lingual surface of the epiglottis, but no foreign bodies were identified. After inhalation of adrenalin, a 4 cm straw became visible in the epiglottic vallecula. Mimic of acute epiglottitis from a straw in the vallecula has to our knowledge never been described in the literature.
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Wild vegetable mixes sold in the markets of Dalmatia (southern Croatia).
Filed under: Eating Disorders
J Ethnobiol Ethnomed. 2013 Jan 3; 9(1): 2
Uczaj U, Zovko-Kon I M, Mili Evi T, Dolina K, Pand A M
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Dalmatia is an interesting place to study the use of wild greens as it lies at the intersection of influence of Slavs, who do not usually use many species of wild greens, and Mediterranean culinary culture, where the use of multiple wild greens is common. The aim of the study was to document the mixtures of wild green vegetables which are sold in all the vegetable markets of Dalmatia. METHODS: All vendors (68) in all 11 major markets of the Dalmatian coast were interviewed. The piles of wild vegetables they sold were searched and herbarium specimens taken from them. RESULTS: The mean number of species in the mix was 5.7. The most commonly sold wild plants are: Sonchus oleraceus L., Allium ampeloprasum L., Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Urospermum picroides F.W.Schmidt, Papaver rhoeas L., Daucus carota L., Taraxacum sp., Picris echioides L., Silene latifolia Poir. and Crepis spp. Also the cultivated beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and a few cultivated Brassicaceae varieties are frequent components. Wild vegetables from the mix are usually boiled for 20–30 minutes and dressed with olive oil and salt. Altogether at least 37 wild taxa and 13 cultivated taxa were recorded.Apart from the mixes, Asparagus acutifolius L. and Tamus communis L. shoots are sold in separate bunches (they are usually eaten with eggs), as well as some Asteraceae species, the latter are eaten raw or briefly boiled. CONCLUSIONS: The rich tradition of eating many wild greens may result both from strong Venetian and Greek influences and the necessity of using all food resources available in the barren, infertile land in the past. Although the number of wild-collected green vegetables is impressive we hypothesize that it may have decreased over the years, and that further in-depth local ethnobotanical studies are needed in Dalmatia to record the disappearing knowledge of edible plants.
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Love Your Body Week Video 2011 (University of Utah) – This video is an effort from the Love Your Body Week Committee to try and prevent eating disorders from occurring around the world. Eating disorders are becoming widespread throughout each city and the media is pushing the unattainable body image into our minds everyday. If you’re fed up with the media’s manipulation about how our bodies should look, then tell us: What do you love about your body? Song Artist: Rob Thomas Song: Little Wonders
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