Eating Disorders: Response Patterns on Interview and Questionnaire Versions of the Eating Disorder Examination and Their Impact on Latent Structure Analyses.
Response patterns on interview and questionnaire versions of the Eating Disorder Examination and their impact on latent structure analyses.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
Compr Psychiatry. 2013 Jan 31;
Berg KC, Swanson SA, Stiles-Shields EC, Eddy KT, Peterson CB, Grange DL
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this investigation was to compare the latent structures of the interview (EDE) and questionnaire (EDE-Q) versions of the Eating Disorder Examination. METHODS: Participants were 280 children, adolescents, and young adults seeking eating disorder treatment. Two separate latent structure analyses (LSAs) were conducted; one used variables from the EDE as indicators and the other used the corresponding variables from the EDE-Q as indicators. RESULTS: The EDE and EDE-Q models both yielded four-class solutions. Three of the four classes from the EDE-Q model demonstrated moderate to high concordance with their paired class from the EDE model. Using the EDE-Q to detect the EDE, the sensitivity and specificity of measuring certain classes varied from poor (18.6%) to excellent (93.7%). The overall concordance was moderate (?=.49). DISCUSSION: These data suggest that LSAs using the EDE and EDE-Q may be directly compared; however, differences between results may represent inconsistencies in response patterns rather than true differences in psychopathology.
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The severity of ADHD and eating disorder symptoms: a correlational study.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
BMC Psychiatry. 2013 Feb 1; 13(1): 44
Stulz N, Hepp U, Gächter C, Martin-Soelch C, Spindler A, Milos G
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) and eating disorders (ED) share several clinical features. Research on the association between ADHD and ED is still quite sparse and findings are ambiguous. METHODS: Correlations between the severity of ADHD key features (Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder-Self-Rating questionnaire) and the severity of specific ED symptoms (Structured Interview for Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa) were examined in 32 female patients diagnosed with ED. RESULTS: Most correlations between the severity of ADHD features and the severity of ED symptoms were low (r<0.30) and did not reach statistical significance. The only exception was a statistically significant, but counterintuitive association between impulsivity and the avoidance of fattening food. CONCLUSIONS: The findings in this small sample suggest a weak link between the severity of ADHD key features and the severity of single ED symptoms in female patients with ED. The role of ADHD features for the development, maintenance, and treatment of EDs seems to be intricate and requires further study. HubMed – eating
Inconvenient truth or public health threat?
Filed under: Eating Disorders
S Afr Med J. 2013 Feb; 103(2): 69-71
Bateman C
For Tim Noakes, the University of Cape Town’s ‘great centenary debate’ on what constitutes a healthy diet was a ‘kangaroo court’, deliberately set up to discredit the ‘inconvenient and threatening truths’ behind his relatively recent and much-touted high-fat, no sugar, no carbohydrates eating regimen.
HubMed – eating
Snails and their trails: the multiple functions of trail-following in gastropods.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. 2013 Feb 4;
Ng TP, Saltin SH, Davies MS, Johannesson K, Stafford R, Williams GA
Snails are highly unusual among multicellular animals in that they move on a layer of costly mucus, leaving behind a trail that can be followed and utilized for various purposes by themselves or by other animals. Here we review more than 40?years of experimental and theoretical research to try to understand the ecological and evolutionary rationales for trail-following in gastropods. Data from over 30 genera are currently available, representing a broad taxonomic range living in both aquatic and terrestrial environments. The emerging picture is that the production of mucus trails, which initially was an adaptation to facilitate locomotion and/or habitat extension, has evolved to facilitate a multitude of additional functions. Trail-following supports homing behaviours, and provides simple mechanisms for self-organisation in groups of snails, promoting aggregation and thus relieving desiccation and predation pressures. In gastropods that copulate, trail-following is an important component in mate-searching, either as an alternative, or in addition to the release of water- or air-borne pheromones. In some species, this includes a capacity of males not only to identify trails of conspecifics but also to discriminate between trails laid by females and males. Notably, trail discrimination seems important as a pre-zygotic barrier to mating in some snail species. As production of a mucus trail is the most costly component of snail locomotion, it is also tempting to speculate that evolution has given rise to various ways to compensate for energy losses. Some snails, for example, increase energy intake by eating particles attached to the mucus of trails that they follow, whereas others save energy through reducing the production of their own mucus by moving over previously laid mucus trails. Trail-following to locate a prey item or a mate is also a way to save energy. While the rationale for trail-following in many cases appears clear, the basic mechanisms of trail discrimination, including the mechanisms by which many snails determine the polarity of the trail, are yet to be experimentally determined. Given the multiple functions of trail-following we propose that future studies should adopt an integrated approach, taking into account the possibility of the simultaneous occurrence of many selectively advantageous roles of trail-following behaviour in gastropods. We also believe that future opportunities to link phenotypic and genotypic traits will make possible a new generation of research projects in which gastropod trail-following, its multitude of functions and evolutionary trade-offs can be further elucidated.
HubMed – eating
Black Girl and Anorexia: A Tragic Love Story Part 2 – PLEASE READ! **PLEASE RATE!** It’s not easy making videos so I appreciate when you guys RATE the video no matter which thumb you choose to click! 🙂 For some reason, eating disorders in the African American community is a taboo subject. A lot of people feel as though these issues skip over the Black community, but that is not the case! I actually dealt with this for a fraction of my life. Here is my story…
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